- executional
- Executional
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
EXEcutional — Supercbbox title = EXEcutional imagesize = 200px creators = Panuwat Wattanukul publisher = Cartoonthai Studio date = 2005 presentEXEcutional is a Thai language comic book written by Panuwat Wattananukul (ภานุวัฒน์ วัฒนนุกูล).IntroductionThe story … Wikipedia
executional peak — noun (Advertising) the emotional or aesthetic, non product related, moments of a commercial that are most noticed by the audience, as seen in Flow of Attention research results. The company’s new pre test system provides visual data on the… … Wiktionary
executional — adj. of execution, of capital punishment … English contemporary dictionary
executional — ex·e·cu·tion·al … English syllables
executional — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|kyüshənəl, shnəl adjective : relating to execution … Useful english dictionary
execution — executional, adj. /ek si kyooh sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of executing. 2. the state or fact of being executed. 3. the infliction of capital punishment or, formerly, of any legal punishment. 4. the process of performing a judgment or… … Universalium
Zhao Qi (Fengshen Yanyi) — Zhao Qi (Chinese: 赵启; Pinyin: Zhào Qǐ) is a character featured within the famed ancient Chinese novel Fengshen Yanyi .Zhao Qi is renowned as a Grand Counselor over the Shang Dynasty. When the princes had finally been both caught and hung up… … Wikipedia
October 12 — << October 2011 >> Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 … Wikipedia
Human sacrifice — is the act of homicide (the killing of one or several human beings) in the context of a religious ritual (ritual killing). Its typology closely parallels the various practices of ritual slaughter of animals (animal sacrifice) and of religious… … Wikipedia
Weekly Shōnen Jump — Cover of first issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump, released in 1968 Editor Sasaki Hisashi Categories Shōnen manga Frequency Semimonthly (1968–1969) Weekly (1969 Octob … Wikipedia
The Gap Cycle — (published 1991 – 1996 by Bantam Books and reprinted by Gollancz in 2008 [1]) is a science fiction story, told in a series of 5 books, written by Stephen R. Donaldson. It is an epic set in a future where humans have pushed far out into space in… … Wikipedia