execution manager

execution manager
диспетчер (программное средство)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "execution manager" в других словарях:

  • Graphics Execution Manager — (GEM, en español: administrador de ejecución de gráficos) es una unidad de manejo de memoria moderna, especializada para uso en controladores de dispositivo para chipsets gráficos. Este gestiona la memoria de gráficos, controla el contexto de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Graphics Execution Manager — GEM (Graphics Execution Manager) is a modern memory manager for graphics chipsets for the Linux OS. It manages graphics memory, controls the execution context and manages the NUMA environment on modern Graphics chipsets. Multiple applications can …   Wikipedia

  • Graphics Execution Manager — Graphics Execution Manager, ou GEM, est un gestionnaire de mémoire pour processeurs graphiques inclus dans le noyau Linux. Il est conçu pour décharger les pilotes graphiques de cette tâche. GEM a été développé initialement pour les architectures… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Execution unit — In computer engineering, an execution unit is a part of a CPU that performs the operations and calculations called for by the program. It may have its own internal control sequence unit (not to be confused with the CPUs main control unit), some… …   Wikipedia

  • Graphical Environment Manager — Infobox OS name = GEM caption = GEM 1.1 Desktop developer = Digital Research, Inc. / Lee Jay Lorenzen family = Not Applicable source model = Open source latest release version = GEM/3 3.11 latest release date = 3 November 1988 kernel type = Not… …   Wikipedia

  • Data Execution Prevention — (DEP) is a security feature included in modern operating systems. It is known to be available in Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows operating systems and is intended to prevent an application or service from executing code from a non… …   Wikipedia

  • WorkLoad Manager — Dans le domaine des systèmes d exploitation pour ordinateurs, le Workload Management est un terme qui provient de l anglais, et qui désigne un ensemble de techniques destinées à optimiser la charge de la machine et du réseau. Le Workload Manager… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Workload Manager — Dans le domaine des systèmes d exploitation pour ordinateurs, le Workload Management est un terme qui provient de l anglais, et qui désigne un ensemble de techniques destinées à optimiser la charge de la machine et du réseau. Le Workload Manager… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Workload Manager — In IBM mainframes, Workload Manager (WLM) is a base component of MVS/ESA mainframe operating system, and its successors up to and including z/OS. It controls the access to system resources for the work executing on z/OS based on administrator… …   Wikipedia

  • X session manager — In the X Window System, an X session manager is a session management program, a program that can save and restore the current state of a set of running applications. Overview From the point of view of an X session manager, a session is a “state… …   Wikipedia

  • Data Execution Prevention — (DEP) (англ. Предотвращение выполнения данных)  функция безопасности, встроенная в семейство операционных систем Windows, которая не позволяет приложению исполнять код из области памяти, помеченной как «только для данных». Она позволит… …   Википедия

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