executing agencies
Смотреть что такое "executing agencies" в других словарях:
List of law enforcement agencies in British Columbia — The following is a list of law enforcement agencies operating in the province of British Columbia, Canada.Municipal police*Abbotsford Police Department Formed as the Matsqui Police Department in 1955, the department was renamed in 1995 following… … Wikipedia
Irrigation in Brazil — has been developed through the use of different models. Public involvement in irrigation is relatively new while private investment has traditionally been responsible for irrigation development. Private irrigation predominates in the populated… … Wikipedia
Globale Umweltfazilität — Die Globale Umweltfazilität (engl. Global Environment Facility, GEF) ist ein internationaler Mechanismus zur Finanzierung von Umweltschutzprojekten in Entwicklungsländern. Sie wurde 1991 gegründet, heute sind 179 Staaten Mitglied der GEF.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Law, Crime, and Law Enforcement — ▪ 2006 Introduction Trials of former heads of state, U.S. Supreme Court rulings on eminent domain and the death penalty, and high profile cases against former executives of large corporations were leading legal and criminal issues in 2005.… … Universalium
Human rights in the United States — In 1776, Thomas Jefferson proposed a philosophy of human rights inherent to all people in the Declaration of Independence, asserting that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that… … Wikipedia
Sheriffs in the United States — Deputy sheriff, Mogollon, New Mexico in 1940 … Wikipedia
Law enforcement in the United Kingdom — Crime in the UK · Terrorism in the UK Topics … Wikipedia
Government procurement in the United States — is based on many of the same principles as commercial contracting, but is subject to special laws and regulation as described below. Persons entering into commercial contracts are pretty much free to do anything that they can agree on. Each… … Wikipedia
Government of Oklahoma — The government of the US State of Oklahoma, established by the Oklahoma Constitution, is a republican democracy modeled after the Federal government of the United States. The state government has three branches: the executive, legislative, and… … Wikipedia
Civilian enforcement officer — Not to be confused with Civil enforcement officer. Civilian enforcement officers are employees of Her Majesty s Courts Service and are responsible for enforcing magistrates court orders. They can seize and sell goods to recover money owed under a … Wikipedia
Government contract — Contracting with the U.S. Government is based on many of the same principles as commercial contracting andcan be very profitable, but is sufficiently different from commercial contracting to require special care.Persons entering into commercial… … Wikipedia