Смотреть что такое "exclam" в других словарях:
exclam. — 1. exclamation. 2. exclamatory. * * * exclam., 1. exclamation. 2. exclamatory … Useful english dictionary
exclam. — 1. exclamation. 2. exclamatory. * * * … Universalium
exclam(s). — abbr. exclamation(s) … Dictionary of abbreviations
exclam. — 1) exclamation 2) exclamatory … From formal English to slang
Make a lap! exclam. Sit down! — □ Hey, make a lap and get out of the way! □ Pull up a chair and make a lap! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
fucking hell! — Exclam. An exclamation similar to fuck! (exclam). Most likely to be heard as fuckin ell … English slang and colloquialisms
aya — (exclam) Used when you remember something you were supposed to have done an hour ago Aya! I should have mailed that check this morning! … Dictionary of american slang
Zwa — (exclam) Word used when you are completely caught unaware. A. Jack, we hit the Lotto! Jack: Zwa? … Dictionary of american slang
aya — (exclam) Used when you remember something you were supposed to have done an hour ago Aya! I should have mailed that check this morning! … Dictionary of american slang
Zwa — (exclam) Word used when you are completely caught unaware. A. Jack, we hit the Lotto! Jack: Zwa? … Dictionary of american slang
ugh — EXCLAM Ugh is used in writing to represent the sound that people make if they think something is unpleasant, horrible, or disgusting. Ugh it was horrible … English dictionary