excite atom
Смотреть что такое "excite atom" в других словарях:
Excite — Ex*cite , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Excited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {exciting}.] [L. excitare; ex out + citare to move rapidly, to rouse: cf. OF. esciter, exciter, F. exciter. See {Cite}.] 1. To call to activity in any way; to rouse to feeling; to kindle to … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
excite — [ek sīt′, iksīt′] vt. excited, exciting [ME exciten < OFr exciter < L excitare, to call forth, excite, freq. of exciere, to call forth < ex , out + pp. of ciere, to call, summon: see CITE] 1. to put into motion or activity; stir up… … English World dictionary
excite — /ik suyt /, v.t., excited, exciting. 1. to arouse or stir up the emotions or feelings of: to excite a person to anger; actions that excited his father s wrath. 2. to arouse or stir up (emotions or feelings): to excite jealousy or hatred. 3. to… … Universalium
excite — ex•cite [[t]ɪkˈsaɪt[/t]] v. t. cit•ed, cit•ing 1) to arouse or stir up the emotions or feelings of: to excite a person to anger[/ex] 2) to arouse or stir up (emotions or feelings); evoke; awaken: to excite interest[/ex] 3) to stir to action;… … From formal English to slang
excite — /əkˈsaɪt / (say uhk suyt), /ɛk / (say ek ) verb (t) (excited, exciting) 1. to arouse or stir up the feelings of: Christmas excites children. 2. to cause; awaken: to excite interest; to excite curiosity. 3. to stir to action; stir up: to excite a… …
excite — transitive verb (excited; exciting) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French exciter, from Latin excitare, from ex + citare to rouse more at cite Date: 14th century 1. a. to call to activity b. to rouse to an emotional response < scenes to… … New Collegiate Dictionary
EXCITE — Evaluation of Oral Xemilofiban in Controlling Thrombotic Events * * * ex·cite ik sīt vt, ex·cit·ed; ex·cit·ing 1) to increase the activity of (as a living organism): STIMULATE 2) to raise (as an atomic nucleus, an atom, or a molecule) to a higher … Medical dictionary
excite — v.tr. 1 a rouse the feelings or emotions of (a person). b bring into play; rouse up (feelings, faculties, etc.). c arouse sexually. 2 provoke; bring about (an action or active condition). 3 promote the activity of (an organism, tissue, etc.) by… … Useful english dictionary
atome fortement excité — karštasis atomas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. high energy atom; hot atom vok. heißes Atom, n; hochangeregtes Atom, n rus. горячий атом, m pranc. atome chaud, m; atome fortement excité, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
atome excité — sužadintasis atomas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. excited atom vok. angeregtes Atom, n rus. возбуждённый атом, m pranc. atome excité, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
heißes Atom — karštasis atomas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. high energy atom; hot atom vok. heißes Atom, n; hochangeregtes Atom, n rus. горячий атом, m pranc. atome chaud, m; atome fortement excité, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas