excise taxes

excise taxes
акцизы, косвенные налоги акцизные сборы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "excise taxes" в других словарях:

  • excise taxes — tax placed on goods sold within a country …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Wagering excise taxes — The United States levies excise taxes on both legal and illegal gambling transactions.IRS Form 730, Tax on Wagering, is used to compute excise taxes for both legal and illegal wagers of certain types. For state authorized wagers placed with… …   Wikipedia

  • Excise tax in the United States — Excise tax, sometimes called an excise duty, is a type of tax. In the United States, the term excise means: (A) any tax other than a property tax or capitation (i.e., an indirect tax, or excise, in the constitutional law sense), or (B) a tax that …   Wikipedia

  • excise — ex·cise / ek ˌsīz, ˌsīs/ n 1: a tax levied on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of a commodity compare income tax, property tax 2: any of various taxes on privileges often assessed in the form of a license or other fee see also …   Law dictionary

  • Excise — Ex*cise , n. [Apparently fr. L. excisum cut off, fr. excidere to cut out or off; ex out, off + caedere to cut; or, as the word was formerly written accise, fr. F. accise, LL. accisia, as if fr. L. accidere, accisum, to cut into; ad + caedere to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Excise Tax — 1. An indirect tax charged on the sale of a particular good. 2. A penalty tax applied to ineligible transactions in retirement accounts. This penalty is assessed by and paid to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). 1. Excise taxes are considered an …   Investment dictionary

  • excise — excise1 n. /ek suyz, suys/; v. /ek suyz, ik suyz /, n., v., excised, excising. n. 1. an internal tax or duty on certain commodities, as liquor or tobacco, levied on their manufacture, sale, or consumption within the country. 2. a tax levied for a …   Universalium

  • excise tax — A tax imposed on the performance of an act, the engaging in an occupation, or the enjoyment of a privilege. Rapa v. Haines, Ohio Com.Pl., 101 N.E.2d 733, 735. A tax on the manufacture, sale, or use of goods or on the carrying on of an occupation… …   Black's law dictionary

  • excise tax — A tax imposed on the performance of an act, the engaging in an occupation, or the enjoyment of a privilege. Rapa v. Haines, Ohio Com.Pl., 101 N.E.2d 733, 735. A tax on the manufacture, sale, or use of goods or on the carrying on of an occupation… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Excise — or Excise tax (sometimes called an excise duty), is a type of tax charged on goods produced within the country (as opposed to customs duties, charged on goods from outside the country).Typical examples of excise duties are taxes on tobacco,… …   Wikipedia

  • excise — ex‧cise [ˈeksaɪz] noun [countable, uncountable] TAX 1. a government tax that is charged on certain goods that are sold in the country, for example alcoholic drinks and petrol: • An excise on home production of tobacco could have produced the same …   Financial and business terms

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