exchange report
Смотреть что такое "exchange report" в других словарях:
Exchange District — The Exchange District is a National Historic Site in the downtown area of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Just north of Canada s most famous corner, Portage and Main, approximately 20 city blocks made of up nearly 150 building compose Winnipeg’s… … Wikipedia
Exchange-traded fund — Ein Exchange traded fund (ETF) (zu Deutsch: börsengehandelter Fonds) ist ein Investmentfonds, der an der Börse gehandelt wird. ETF werden meist passiv verwaltet und werden im Normalfall nicht über die emittierende Investmentgesellschaft, sondern… … Deutsch Wikipedia
report — Written or oral confirmation that all or part of one s order has been executed, including the price and size parameters of the trade being reported; often followed by a fresh picture. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary A premium on carrying over a… … Financial and business terms
Report (disambiguation) — The word report refers to a type of informative document or speech, and may also refer to:Media*Report (newsmagazine) *Report (1977 film) *Report CanadaHealth care*Report (nursing), the exchange of information between nursing staff members at… … Wikipedia
Report of the Committee on Company Law Amendment — The Report of the Committee on Company Law Amendment (1945) Cm 6659, known best as the Cohen Report for short, was a company law reform committee appointed by the United Kingdom Coalition Government, during the Second World War. It was chaired by … Wikipedia
exchange rate — /ɪks tʃeɪndʒ reɪt/ noun 1. a rate at which one currency is exchanged for another. Also called rate of exchange 2. a figure that expresses how much a unit of one country’s currency is worth in terms of the currency of another country ▪▪▪ ‘…can… … Dictionary of banking and finance
exchange rate — /ɪks tʃeɪndʒ reɪt/ noun a figure that expresses how much a unit of one country’s currency is worth in terms of the currency of another country ▪▪▪ ‘…can free trade be reconciled with a strong dollar resulting from floating exchange rates’ [Duns… … Marketing dictionary in english
Policy Exchange — is a British think tank based in London. The Daily Telegraph has described it as the largest, but also the most influential think tank on the right . [ [ The… … Wikipedia
Foreign exchange risk — (exchange rate risk) Risk that the market value of the bank, measured in the base currency, is exposed to fluctuations in foreign exchange rates. This risk is quantified by the open currency position. The related standard reports are: • Open… … International financial encyclopaedia
Community Exchange System — Numismatics Terminology Portal Currency … Wikipedia
Boston Computer Exchange — was the world s first e commerce company, and dominated electronic trading in used computers in the US in the 1980s. The Boston Computer Exchange, also called the BCE and BoCoEx, was a pre Internet, BBS based marketplace where buyers and sellers… … Wikipedia