exchange privilege
Смотреть что такое "exchange privilege" в других словарях:
Exchange Privilege — The opportunity given to mutual fund shareholders to exchange their investment in a fund for another within the same fund family at no additional cost. This privilege allows investors to switch funds when market conditions change. For example,… … Investment dictionary
exchange privilege — A mutual fund shareholder s right to switch from one fund to another within one fund family, usually at no additional charge. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Exchange — Ex|change 〈[ ıkstʃɛındʒ] f. 19〉 1. Wechselverkehr, Wechsel 2. Geldwechsel 3. Wechselstube 4. Kurs [engl., „Austausch, Wechsel, Börse“] * * * Ex|change [ɪks t̮ʃeɪnd̮ʒ ], die; , n [engl. exchange < frz. échange, zu: échanger = umtauschen, zu:… … Universal-Lexikon
privilege — privileger, n. /priv euh lij, priv lij/, n., v., privileged, privileging. n. 1. a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most: the privileges of the very rich. 2. a special right, immunity, or exemption… … Universalium
Privilege tax — A privilege tax is a tax levied in exchange for a privilege or license granted to the taxpayer. The fee for registering a motor vehicle is one example of a privilege tax. Many taxes on businesses are characterized as privilege taxes. For example … Wikipedia
Privilege of Koszyce — The Privilege of Koszyce was a set of concessions made by Louis I of Hungary to the Polish szlachta in 1374. The privileges were granted in Košice. In exchange, one of Louis daughters was to ascend the throne of Poland after his death.Szlachta… … Wikipedia
Privilege Dealer — An individual or a securities firm that is registered as a market maker or specialist in listed options. A privilege dealer trades futures or options with their gains and losses being subject to a complex set of rules. Also known as an options… … Investment dictionary
Scottish Parliament Business Exchange — The Scottish Parliament Business Exchange is promoted as an educational exchange allowing members of the Scottish parliament to learn more about all kinds of business. All corporate participants are required to sign a letter affirming they will… … Wikipedia
White privilege — is a sociological concept that describes advantages purportedly enjoyed by white persons beyond that which is commonly experienced by non white people in those same social, political, and economic spaces (nation, community, workplace, income, etc … Wikipedia
Accountant-client privilege — is a confidentiality privilege, or more precisely, a group of privileges, available in American federal and state law. Accountant client privileges may be classified in two categories: evidentiary privileges and non evidentiary privileges.An… … Wikipedia
Chicago Stock Exchange — Type Private … Wikipedia