excess returns
Смотреть что такое "excess returns" в других словарях:
Excess Returns — Investment returns from a security or portfolio that exceed a benchmark or index with a similar level of risk. It is widely used as a measure of the value added by the portfolio or investment manager, or the manager s ability to beat the market.… … Investment dictionary
Excess returns — Also called abnormal returns, returns in excess of those required by some asset pricing model. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
excess returns — Difference between an asset s return and the riskless rate. Sometimes confused with abnormal returns, returns in excess of those required by some asset pricing model. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Excess Kurtosis — A statistical term describing that a probability, or return distribution, has a kurtosis coefficient that is larger then the coefficient associated with a normal distribution, which is around 3. This will signal that the probability of obtaining… … Investment dictionary
excess kurtosis — Kurtosis measures the fatness of the tails of a distribution. Positive excess kurtosis means that distribution has fatter tails than a normal distribution. Fat tails means there is a higher than normal probability of big positive and negative… … Financial and business terms
Abnormal returns — Part of the return that is not due to systematic influences (market wide influences). In other words, abnormal returns are above those predicted by the market movement alone. Related: excess returns. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
abnormal returns — The component of the return that is not due to systematic influences (market wide influences). In other words, the abnormal returns is the difference between the actual return and that is expected to result from market movements (normal return).… … Financial and business terms
Excess Portfolio Returns — The return on a portfolio over and above a risk free rate (such as the yield on US Treasury bills). ► See also Portfolio … Financial and business terms
Efficient-market hypothesis — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond … Wikipedia
Modigliani risk-adjusted performance — or M2 or M2 or Modigliani–Modigliani measure or RAP is a measure of the risk adjusted returns of some investment portfolio. It measures the returns of the portfolio, adjusted for the deviation of the portfolio (typically referred to as the risk) … Wikipedia
Sharpe ratio — The Sharpe ratio or Sharpe index or Sharpe measure or reward to variability ratio is a measure of the excess return (or risk premium) per unit of deviation in an investment asset or a trading strategy, typically referred to as risk (and is a… … Wikipedia