excess population

excess population
избыточное население, перенаселение Syn : overflow population

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "excess population" в других словарях:

  • excess population — perteklinė užpilda statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. excess population vok. Überschußbesetzung, f rus. избыточная заселённость, f pranc. population excessive, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Population control — is the practice of limiting population increase, usually by reducing the birth rate. The practice has sometimes been voluntary, as a response to poverty, environmental concerns, or out of religious ideology, but in some times and places it has… …   Wikipedia

  • Population — In biology a population is the collection of inter breeding organisms of a particular species; in sociology, a collection of human beings. A population shares a particular characteristic of interest, most often that of living in a given… …   Wikipedia

  • population excessive — perteklinė užpilda statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. excess population vok. Überschußbesetzung, f rus. избыточная заселённость, f pranc. population excessive, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Population decline — can refer to the decline in population of any organism, but this article refers to population decline in humans. It is a term usually used to describe any great reduction in a human population.[1] It can be used to refer to long term demographic… …   Wikipedia

  • POPULATION — Methodological Uncertainties Because of the great difficulties in ascertaining human population data in general, and Jewish data in particular, especially in ancient and medieval times, a word of caution is even more necessary here than in most… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • population — n. 1) a decreasing, shrinking; dense; excess, overflow; expanding, growing, increasing, rising; sparse; stable; transient population 2) an aging; civilian; foreign born; indigenous; local; native born; rural; urban population 3) (misc.) a… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • POPULATION — THE JEWISH POPULATION Growth by Aliyah In 1882 the Jewish population of Ereẓ Israel numbered some 24,000, roughly 5% of the total, and about 0.3% of the world Jewish population. Since then there has been an almost continuous flow of aliyah, which …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Population pyramid — This distribution is named for the frequently pyramidal shape of its graph. A population pyramid, also called an age structure diagram, is a graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in a population (typically that… …   Wikipedia

  • Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas — Natives of North America. Natives of South America. The po …   Wikipedia

  • Population history of American indigenous peoples — It is thought that up to 100 million indigenous people may have lived in the Americas when the 1492 voyage of Christopher Columbus began a historical period of large scale European interaction with the Americas. European contact with what they… …   Wikipedia

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