- excess capacity
1) избыточная производственная мощность
2) избыточная мощность
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
excess capacity — ➔ capacity * * * excess capacity UK US noun [U] ► ECONOMICS, COMMERCE the ability to hold or deal with a larger number of people or things than is needed at the present time: »The airline has shifted some of its excess capacity from Asian to… … Financial and business terms
excess capacity — noun The operating situation of a firm or industry when output is below the level at which all its productive resources are fully employed • • • Main Entry: ↑excess … Useful english dictionary
excess capacity — in the short term, fishing capacity or number of boats that exceeds the capacity required to capture and handle the allowable catch. In the long term, fishing capacity that exceeds the level required to ensuring the sustainability of the stock… … Dictionary of ichthyology
Excess Capacity — A situation in which actual production is less than what is achievable or optimal for a firm. This often means that the demand in the market for the product is below what the firm could potentially supply to the market. The amount of excess… … Investment dictionary
excess capacity — The part of the output of a plant or process that is not currently being utilized but which, if it could be, would reduce the average cost of production. The excess capacity is thus the amount by which the present output must be increased to… … Big dictionary of business and management
excess capacity — /ˌekses kə pæsɪti/ noun spare capacity which is not being used … Marketing dictionary in english
excess capacity — /ˌekses kə pæsɪti/ noun spare capacity which is not being used … Dictionary of banking and finance
Capacity utilization — is a concept in economics and managerial accounting which refers to the extent to which an enterprise or a nation actually uses its installed productive capacity. Thus, it refers to the relationship between actual output that is produced with the … Wikipedia
Избыточная мощность (EXCESS CAPACITY) — Производственная мощность, на протяжении длительного времени являющаяся избыточной по сравнению с достаточной для удовлетворения потребностей. Это понятие необходимо отличать от Неиспользуемой мощности (Idle Capacity), которая связана с… … Словарь терминов по управленческому учету
capacity — A lending and credit analysis term that describes a borrower s or applicant s ability to meet debt service obligations. See debt service coverage. American Banker Glossary credit grantor s measurement of a person s ability to repay loans.… … Financial and business terms
capacity — noun 1 amount held/produced ADJECTIVE ▪ high, large ▪ a high capacity electric pump ▪ large capacity disk drives ▪ limited, small … Collocations dictionary