exceed the limit
Смотреть что такое "exceed the limit" в других словарях:
exceed the speed limit — drive faster than the legally permitted speed, speed … English contemporary dictionary
exceed — ex‧ceed [ɪkˈsiːd] verb [transitive] 1. to be more than a particular number or amount: • Working hours must not exceed 42 hours a week. • individuals with assets exceeding £500,000 2. to go beyond an official or legal limit: • Pesticide levels… … Financial and business terms
limit — lim|it1 W2S2 [ˈlımıt] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(greatest/least allowed)¦ 2¦(greatest amount possible)¦ 3¦(place)¦ 4 off limits 5 within limits 6 be over the limit 7 know your limits 8 have your limits ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 140 … Dictionary of contemporary English
exceed — exceed, surpass, transcend, excel, outdo, outstrip mean to go or to be beyond a stated or implied limit, measure, or degree. Exceed may imply an overpassing of a limit set by one s right, power, authority, or jurisdiction {this task exceeds his… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
The Singularity Is Near — The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology … Wikipedia
The Complexity of Songs — was an article published by Donald Knuth, an example of an in joke in computer science, namely, in computational complexity theory. The article capitalizes on the tendency of popular songs to evolve from long and content rich ballads to highly… … Wikipedia
Limit superior and limit inferior — In mathematics, the limit inferior (also called infimum limit, liminf, inferior limit, lower limit, or inner limit) and limit superior (also called supremum limit, limsup, superior limit, upper limit, or outer limit) of a sequence can be thought… … Wikipedia
exceed — verb Etymology: Middle English exceden, from Middle French exceder, from Latin excedere, from ex + cedere to go Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. to extend outside of < the river will exceed its banks > 2. to be greater than or superior to 3 … New Collegiate Dictionary
limit — I n. 1) to place, put, set a limit on 2) to disregard, exceed a limit 3) an age; speed; time; weight limit 4) a limit on, to 5) within limits 6) (misc.) to push smb. to the limit II v. (D; refl., tr.) to limit to (she had to limit herself to… … Combinatory dictionary
limit — See price limit, position limit, and variable limit. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary See trading limit. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary A contract s maximum price advance or decline from the previous day s settlement price permitted in one… … Financial and business terms
limit — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ outer ▪ northern, southern, etc. ▪ three mile, etc. ▪ city … Collocations dictionary