exact test
Смотреть что такое "exact test" в других словарях:
Exact test — In statistics, an exact (significance) test is a test where all assumptions upon which the derivation of the distribution of the test statistic is based are met, as opposed to an approximate test, in which the approximation may be made as close… … Wikipedia
exact test — a statistical test based on the actual probability distribution of the data in the study, rather than on an approximation of it … Medical dictionary
Fisher's exact test — is a statistical significance test used in the analysis of categorical data where sample sizes are small. It is named after its inventor, R. A. Fisher, and is one of a class of exact tests. Fisher devised the test following a comment from Muriel… … Wikipedia
Fishers exact test — A statistical test of independence much used in medical research. It tests the independence of rows and columns in a 2 X 2 contingency table (with 2 horizontal rows crossing 2 vertical columns creating 4 places for data) based on the exact… … Medical dictionary
Fisher exact test — Fish·er exact test (fishґər) [Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher, British statistician, 1890–1962] see under test … Medical dictionary
Exact statistics — Exact statistics, such as that described in exact test, is a branch of statistics that was developed to provide more accurate results pertaining to statistical testing and interval estimation by eliminating procedures based on asymptotic and… … Wikipedia
Fisher exact test — a statistical hypothesis test of independence of rows and columns in a 2 Ч 2 contingency table based on the exact sampling distribution of the observed frequencies, useful when any expected value in the table is small … Medical dictionary
Test, Fishers exact — A statistical test of independence much used in medical research. It tests the independence of rows and columns in a 2 X 2 contingency table (with 2 horizontal rows crossing 2 vertical columns creating 4 places for data) based on the exact… … Medical dictionary
Test theories of special relativity — are frameworks, which are used for examinations about the validity of Lorentz symmetry and the existence of a preferred frame of reference. A well known example was created by Reza Mansouri and Roman Ulrich Sexl in 1977. [Citation |… … Wikipedia
Test de Khi-2 — Test du χ² Pour la loi de probabilité, voir Loi du χ². Densité du χ² en fonction du nombre de degrés de liberté Le test du χ² (prononcer … Wikipédia en Français
Test du Chi-2 — Test du χ² Pour la loi de probabilité, voir Loi du χ². Densité du χ² en fonction du nombre de degrés de liberté Le test du χ² (prononcer … Wikipédia en Français