- exact multiplicity
- мат. точная кратность (корня)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Root-finding algorithm — A root finding algorithm is a numerical method, or algorithm, for finding a value x such that f(x) = 0, for a given function f. Such an x is called a root of the function f. This article is concerned with finding scalar, real or complex roots,… … Wikipedia
KABBALAH — This entry is arranged according to the following outline: introduction general notes terms used for kabbalah the historical development of the kabbalah the early beginnings of mysticism and esotericism apocalyptic esotericism and merkabah… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
philosophy, Western — Introduction history of Western philosophy from its development among the ancient Greeks to the present. This article has three basic purposes: (1) to provide an overview of the history of philosophy in the West, (2) to relate… … Universalium
Eigenvalue, eigenvector and eigenspace — In mathematics, given a linear transformation, an Audio|De eigenvector.ogg|eigenvector of that linear transformation is a nonzero vector which, when that transformation is applied to it, changes in length, but not direction. For each eigenvector… … Wikipedia
Logic and the philosophy of mathematics in the nineteenth century — John Stillwell INTRODUCTION In its history of over two thousand years, mathematics has seldom been disturbed by philosophical disputes. Ever since Plato, who is said to have put the slogan ‘Let no one who is not a geometer enter here’ over the… … History of philosophy
Non-uniform rational B-spline — Three dimensional NURBS surfaces can have complex, organic shapes. Control points influence the directions the surface takes. The outermost square below delineates the X/Y extents of the surface … Wikipedia
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors — For more specific information regarding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices, see Eigendecomposition of a matrix. In this shear mapping the red arrow changes direction but the blue arrow does not. Therefore the blue arrow is an… … Wikipedia
education — /ej oo kay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2. the act or process of… … Universalium
Petri net — A Petri net (also known as a place/transition net or P/T net) is one of several mathematical modeling languages for the description of distributed systems. A Petri net is a directed bipartite graph, in which the nodes represent transitions (i.e.… … Wikipedia
Black Metal — Entstehungsphase: 1980er Jahre Herkunftsort: Hauptsächlich Europa Stilistische Vorläufer Thrash Metal Pionierba … Deutsch Wikipedia
evolution — evolutional, adj. evolutionally, adv. /ev euh looh sheuhn/ or, esp. Brit., /ee veuh /, n. 1. any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane. 2. a product of such development; something… … Universalium