exact differential equation

exact differential equation
дифференциальное уравнение в полных дифференциалах

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "exact differential equation" в других словарях:

  • Exact differential equation — In mathematics, an exact differential equation or total differential equation is a certain kind of ordinary differential equation which is widely used in physics and engineering. Definition Given a simply connected and open subset D of R2 and two …   Wikipedia

  • Differential equation — Not to be confused with Difference equation. Visualization of heat transfer in a pump casing, created by solving the heat equation. Heat is being generated internally in the casing and being cooled at the boundary, providing a steady state… …   Wikipedia

  • Exact differential — In mathematics, a differential dQ is said to be exact , as contrasted with an inexact differential, if the differentiable function Q exists. However, if dQ is arbitrarily chosen, a corresponding Q might not exist. OverviewIn one dimension, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Ordinary differential equation — In mathematics, an ordinary differential equation (or ODE) is a relation that contains functions of only one independent variable, and one or more of their derivatives with respect to that variable. A simple example is Newton s second law of… …   Wikipedia

  • Partial differential equation — A visualisation of a solution to the heat equation on a two dimensional plane In mathematics, partial differential equations (PDE) are a type of differential equation, i.e., a relation involving an unknown function (or functions) of several… …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix differential equation — A differential equation is a mathematical equation for an unknown function of one or several variables that relates the values of the function itself and of its derivatives of various orders. A matrix differential equation is one containing more… …   Wikipedia

  • Closed and exact differential forms — In mathematics, especially vector calculus and differential topology, a closed form is a differential form α whose exterior derivative is zero (dα = 0), and an exact form is a differential form that is the exterior derivative of another …   Wikipedia

  • Exact solutions in general relativity — In general relativity, an exact solution is a Lorentzian manifold equipped with certain tensor fields which are taken to model states of ordinary matter, such as a fluid, or classical nongravitational fields such as the electromagnetic field.… …   Wikipedia

  • exact equation —       type of differential equation that can be solved directly without the use of any of the special techniques in the subject. A first order differential equation (of one variable) is called exact, or an exact differential, if it is the result… …   Universalium

  • exact — exactable, adj. exacter, exactor, n. exactness, n. /ig zakt /, adj. 1. strictly accurate or correct: an exact likeness; an exact description. 2. precise, as opposed to approximate: the exact sum; the exact date. 3. admitting of no deviation, as… …   Universalium

  • Equation — Équation (mathématiques)  Cet article concerne les équations mathématiques dans leur généralité. Pour une introduction au concept, voir Équation (mathématiques élémentaires).   …   Wikipédia en Français

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