- evidently
- ˈevɪdəntlɪ нареч. очевидно;
явно Syn : undoubtedly, without doubt, without question очевидно, явно, ясно evidently очевидно;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Evidently — is a creative communications agency that manages and adapts visual communications in order to shape audience perception and behavior, transforming mundane information into unmissable communication.The agency has won numerous awards for its… … Wikipedia
Evidently — Ev i*dent*ly, adv. In an evident manner; clearly; plainly. [1913 Webster] Before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth. Gal. iii. 1. [1913 Webster] He was evidently in the prime of youth. W. Irving. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
evidently — index fairly (clearly) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
evidently — late 14c., from EVIDENT (Cf. evident) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) … Etymology dictionary
evidently — [adv] apparently, clearly doubtless, doubtlessly, incontestably, incontrovertibly, indisputably, it seems, it would seem, manifestly, obviously, officially, ostensibly, outwardly, patently, plainly, professedly, seemingly, to all appearances*,… … New thesaurus
evidently — [ev΄ə dent′lē, ev′ə dənt lē] adv. 1. Now Rare obviously; clearly 2. apparently (but not necessarily); seemingly … English World dictionary
evidently — [[t]e̱vɪdəntli[/t]] 1) ADV GRADED: ADV with cl/group, ADV before v You use evidently to say that something is obviously true, for example because you have seen evidence of it yourself. The man wore a bathrobe and had evidently just come from the… … English dictionary
evidently — ev|i|dent|ly [ˈevıdəntli US dənt , dent ] adv 1.) used to say that something is true because you can see that it is true = ↑clearly ▪ She was evidently a heavy smoker. ▪ He was evidently in pain. ▪ She was evidently upset by what she saw.… … Dictionary of contemporary English
evidently — adverb Date: 1609 1. in an evident manner ; clearly, obviously < any style…so evidently bad or second rate T. S. Eliot > 2. on the basis of available evidence < he was born…evidently in Texas Robert Coughlan > … New Collegiate Dictionary
evidently — ev|i|dent|ly [ evıdəntli ] adverb * 1. ) used for saying that something is obvious: Voters have evidently lost faith in the administration. 2. ) used for showing that a statement is based on known facts: Evidently, these valleys were formed by… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
evidently — adverb 1 (sentence adverb) used when saying that something seems likely, based on the information that you have: Evidently she s been bullied at work and is very unhappy. 2 (+ adj/adv) in a way that is very easy to see and understand: Mary was… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English