Смотреть что такое "everywhither" в других словарях:
everywhither — evˈerywhen, evˈerywhence or evˈerywhither adverb (all rare). • • • Main Entry: ↑every … Useful english dictionary
all round — Synonyms and related words: all about, all over, all over hell, and everywhere, around, every which way, everywhence, everywhere, everywheres, everywhither, far and near, far and wide, from every quarter, here, high and low, in all creation, in… … Moby Thesaurus
around — Synonyms and related words: about, again, alive, all about, all over, all round, all through, almost, along toward, anticlockwise, any which way, anyhow, anywise, approximately, at close quarters, at hand, at random, back, backward, by, by way of … Moby Thesaurus
everywhere — Synonyms and related words: all over, all over hell, all round, all present, always, and everywhere, around, at large, cosmically, diffusely, dispersedly, every which way, everywhence, everywheres, everywhither, far, far and wide, from every… … Moby Thesaurus
round about — Synonyms and related words: about, again, all over, all round, all through, anticlockwise, around, at about, back, backward, by, by way of, circlewise, circuitously, clockwise, close, close about, counterclockwise, deviously, every which way,… … Moby Thesaurus