event magnitude

event magnitude
магнитуда сейсмического явления

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "event magnitude" в других словарях:

  • Magnitude and frequency principle — is theory that events may be calculated on their occurrence by the possibly severity of the event. The higher the magnitude of the event, the less it is likely to occur, closely related to statistics. Less severe events are more likely to occur… …   Wikipedia

  • magnitude — 01. The [magnitude] of the damage is unknown at this time, but experts fear it may cost in the millions of pounds. 02. It takes years of planning to organize an event of the [magnitude] of the Olympic Games. 03. It is the first time that… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • Event horizon — In general relativity, an event horizon is a boundary in spacetime, an area surrounding a black hole or a wormhole, inside which events cannot affect an outside observer. Light emitted from inside the horizon can never reach the observer, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Richter magnitude scale — Part of a series on earthquakes Types Foreshock • Aftershock • Blind thrust Doublet • Interplate • …   Wikipedia

  • Apparent magnitude — Asteroid 65 Cybele and 2 stars with their magnitudes labeled The apparent magnitude (m) of a celestial body is a measure of its brightness as seen by an observer on Earth, normalized to the value it would have in the absence of the atmosphere.… …   Wikipedia

  • Impact event — Artist s impression of a major impact event. The collision between Earth and an asteroid a few kilometers in diameter may release as much energy as several million nuclear weapons detonating simultaneously. An impact event is the collision of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Permian–Triassic extinction event — …   Wikipedia

  • Moment magnitude scale — Part of a series on earthquakes Types Foreshock • Aftershock • Blind thrust Doublet • Interplate • …   Wikipedia

  • International Nuclear Event Scale — The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) was introduced in 1990[1] by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in order to enable prompt communication of safety significance information in case of nuclear accidents. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Vitim event — The Vitim event or Bodaybo event is believed to be an impact by a bolide or comet nucleus in the Vitim River basin. It occurred near the town of Bodaybo in the Mamsko Chuisky district of Irkutsk Oblast, Siberia, Russia on September 25, 2002 at… …   Wikipedia

  • Heinrich event — Heinrich events, first described by marine geologist Hartmut Heinrich, occurred during the last glacial period, or ice age . During such events, armadas of icebergs broke off from glaciers and traversed the North Atlantic. The icebergs contained… …   Wikipedia

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