- even-dimensional
- мат. четномерный - even-dimensional manifold - even-dimensional space
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Dimensional modeling — (DM) is the name of a set of techniques and concepts used in data warehouse design. It is considered to be different from entity relationship modeling (ER). Dimensional Modeling does not necessarily involve a relational database. The same… … Wikipedia
Dimensional analysis — In physics and all science, dimensional analysis is a tool to find or check relations among physical quantities by using their dimensions. The dimension of a physical quantity is the combination of the basic physical dimensions (usually mass,… … Wikipedia
Dimensional regularization — Renormalization and regularization Renormalization Renormalization … Wikipedia
Singly and doubly even — In mathematics an even integer, that is, a number that is divisible by 2, is called evenly even or doubly even if it is a multiple of 4, and oddly even or singly even if it is not. (The former names are traditional ones, derived from the ancient… … Wikipedia
Three-dimensional chess — Not to be confused with chess software with a 3D rendering Raumschach diagram|= tright| =5 |rd|nd|kd|nd|rd|=4 |pd|pd|pd|pd|pd|=3 | | | | | |=2 | | | | | |=1 | | | | | |= Ea Eb Ec Ed Ee5 |bd|sd|qd|bd|sd|=4 |pd|pd|pd|pd|pd|=3 | | | | | |=2 | | | |… … Wikipedia
One-Dimensional Man — Part of a series on the Frankfurt School … Wikipedia
n-dimensional sequential move puzzle — Five dimensional 25 puzzle partial cutaway demonstrating that even with the minimum size in 5 D the puzzle is far from trivial. The 4 D nature of the stickers is clearly visible in this screen shot. The Rubik s cube is the original and best known … Wikipedia
N-dimensional space — In mathematics, an n dimensional space is a topological space whose dimension is n (where n is a fixed natural number). The archetypical example is n dimensional Euclidean space, which describes Euclidean geometry in n dimensions.Many familiar… … Wikipedia
There is no infinite-dimensional Lebesgue measure — In mathematics, it is a theorem that there is no analogue of Lebesgue measure on an infinite dimensional space. This fact forces mathematicians studying measure theory on infinite dimensional spaces to use other kinds of measures: often, the… … Wikipedia
Two-dimensional gas — A two dimensional gas is a collection of N objects which are constrained to move in a planar or other two dimensional space in a gaseous state. The objects can be: ideal gas elements such as rigid disks undergoing elastic collisions; elementary… … Wikipedia
High-dimensional statistics — High Dimensional StatisticsHigh dimensional statistics is the branch of mathematical and applied multivariate statistics aimed at treatment of statisical data whose dimension is so large that it is comparable in magnitude to sample size and may… … Wikipedia