even temper

even temper
ровный, спокойный, уравновешенный характер

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "even temper" в других словарях:

  • Even — E ven, a. [AS. efen. efn; akin to OS. eban, D. even, OHG. eban, G. efen, Icel. jafn, Dan. jevn, Sw. j[ a]mn, Goth. ibns. Cf. {Anent}, {Ebb}.] 1. Level, smooth, or equal in surface; not rough; free from irregularities; hence uniform in rate of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • temper — n. 1) to control, keep one s temper 2) to lose one s temper 3) a bad, explosive, hot, nasty, quick, uncontrollable, ungovernable, violent temper 4) a calm, even temper 5) tempers flare (up) 6) a display, fit of temper (she said that in a fit of… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • temper — temperable, adj. temperability, n. temperer, n. /tem peuhr/, n. 1. a particular state of mind or feelings. 2. habit of mind, esp. with respect to irritability or patience, outbursts of anger, or the like; disposition: an even temper. 3. heat of… …   Universalium

  • temper — tem•per [[t]ˈtɛm pər[/t]] n. 1) a particular state of mind or feelings 2) habit of mind, esp. with respect to irritability or patience; disposition: an even temper[/ex] 3) heat of mind or passion, shown in outbursts of anger, resentment, etc 4)… …   From formal English to slang

  • even — even1 evener, n. evenly, adv. evenness, n. /ee veuhn/, adj. 1. level; flat; without surface irregularities; smooth: an even road. 2. on the same level; in the same plane or line; parallel: even with the ground …   Universalium

  • even — I. /ˈivən / (say eevuhn) adjective 1. level; flat; without irregularities; smooth: an even surface; even country. 2. on the same level; in the same plane or line; parallel: even with the ground. 3. free from variations or fluctuations; regular:… …  

  • even — I e•ven [[t]ˈi vən[/t]] adj. 1) level; flat; without surface irregularities; smooth: an even road[/ex] 2) on the same level; in the same plane or line; parallel: even with the ground[/ex] 3) free from variations or fluctuations; uniform; regular …   From formal English to slang

  • even — Ⅰ. even [1] ► ADJECTIVE 1) flat and smooth; level. 2) equal in number, amount, or value. 3) having little variation in quality; regular. 4) equally balanced: the match was even. 5) (of a person s temper or disposition) placid; calm. 6) …   English terms dictionary

  • temper — tem|per1 [ˈtempə US ər] n 1.) [U and C] a tendency to become angry suddenly or easily ▪ That temper of hers will get her into trouble one of these days. ▪ According to Nathan, Robin has quite a temper . ▪ Theo needs to learn to control his temper …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • temper — 1 noun 1 TENDENCY TO BE ANGRY (C, U) a tendency to become angry suddenly: That temper of hers will get her into trouble one of these days. | If he can t control his temper, he should give up teaching. | quick/fiery/violent temper: Be careful, he… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Temper mill — A temper mill is a steel sheet and/or steel plate processing line composed of a horizontal pass cold rolling mill stand, entry and exit conveyor tables and upstream and downstream equipment depending on the design and nature of the processing… …   Wikipedia

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