even mass
Смотреть что такое "even mass" в других словарях:
even-mass nucleus — lyginio masės skaičiaus branduolys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. even A nucleus; even mass nucleus vok. gerade Masse Kern, m rus. ядро с чётным A, n; ядро с чётным массовым числом, n … Fizikos terminų žodynas
even-mass number — lyginis masės skaičius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. even mass number vok. gerade Massenzahl, f rus. чётное массовое число, n pranc. nombre de masse pair, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
even-A nucleus — lyginio masės skaičiaus branduolys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. even A nucleus; even mass nucleus vok. gerade Masse Kern, m rus. ядро с чётным A, n; ядро с чётным массовым числом, n … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Mass in special relativity — incorporates the general understandings from the concept of mass energy equivalence. Added to this concept is an additional complication resulting from the fact that mass is defined in two different ways in special relativity: one way defines… … Wikipedia
Mass Effect (video game) — Mass Effect Developer(s) BioWare (Xbox 360) Demiurge Studios (Microsoft Windows[1] … Wikipedia
Mass spectrum analysis — is an integral part of mass spectrometry.[1][2] Organic chemists obtain mass spectra of chemical compounds as part of structure elucidation and the analysis is part of every organic chemistry curriculum. Co … Wikipedia
Mass comparison — is a method developed by Joseph Greenberg to determine the level of genetic relatedness between languages. It is now usually called multilateral comparison. The method is generally rejected by linguists (Campbell 2001, p. 45), though it has… … Wikipedia
Mass lexical comparison — or mass comparison is a highly controversial method developed by the well known linguist Joseph Greenberg to find genetic relationships among languages in the remote past, which he considered unsuitable for the mainstream comparative method, or… … Wikipedia
Mass spectrometry software — is software used for data acquisition, analysis, or representation in mass spectrometry. Contents 1 MS/MS peptide identification 1.1 Database search algorithms 1.1.1 SEQUEST 1.1.2 … Wikipedia
Mass Rapid Transit (Singapore) — Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) 大众快速交通 (地铁) Sistem Pengangkutan Gerak Cepat துரிதக் கடவு ரயில் Info Owner … Wikipedia
Mass Appeal (film) — Mass Appeal Original poster Directed by Glenn Jordan Produced by David Foster … Wikipedia