even bet

even bet
пари с равными шансами

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "even bet" в других словарях:

  • an even bet — An equal chance • • • Main Entry: ↑bet …   Useful english dictionary

  • BET DIN AND JUDGES — (Heb. בֵּית דִּין; lit. house of judgment ). Bet din (pl. battei din) is the term, in rabbinic sources, for a Jewish court of law. In modern times it usually refers to   an ecclesiastical court dealing with religious matters such as divorce, and… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • BET HILLEL AND BET SHAMMAI — BET HILLEL AND BET SHAMMAI, two schools of exposition of the Oral Law, named after hillel and shammai who lived at the end of the first century B.C.E. and the beginning of the first century C.E. These two schools existed from the time of these… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Even money — describes a wagering proposition with even odds if the bettor loses a bet, he or she stands to lose the same amount of money that the winner of the bet would win (less any vigorish or juice ). The term has come to have meaning in the wider… …   Wikipedia

  • BET(H)-SHEAN — (Heb. בֵּית שְׁאָן), biblical city whose name is preserved in the former Arab town of Beisan (Josh. 17:11, 16; Judg. 1:27; I Sam. 31:10, 12; 2 Sam. 21:12; I Kgs. 4:12; I Chron. 7:29). Written sources mention Beth Shean as being in a plain close… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • bet*/ — [bet] (past tense past participle bet) verb [I/T] I to risk an amount of money by saying what you think will happen in a race or game Thousands of people bet on the result of the match.[/ex] I bet £10 on each of the horses.[/ex] He bet me £20… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • BET SHE'ARIM — (Heb. בֵּית שְׁעָרִים; Gr. Besara), ancient city on the southern slopes of Lower Galilee situated on the hill of al Sheikh Burayk (near Kiryat Tivon on the Nazareth–Haifa road). Although settlement at Bet She arim apparently started during the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Bet (letter) — Bet, Beth, or Vet is the second letter of many Semitic abjads, including Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew Ivrit|ב Syriac Unicode|ܒ and Arabic alphabet ArabDIN|bāʾ ar. ﺏ. Its value is a voiced bilabial plosive, IPA IPA|/b/.This letter s name means… …   Wikipedia

  • BET(H)-SHEMESH — (Heb. בֵּית שֶׁמֶשׁ; the house (temple) of (the sun god) Shemesh ), name of a number of places mentioned in the Bible. (1) A city in the Shephelah on the northern border of the tribe of Judah, between Chesalon and Timnah (Josh. 15:10). Beth… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • bet — has past and past participle forms bet and betted; both are correct although bet is preferable, and is more common in BrE and (even more) in AmE. But betted is also found • (I d have betted you wouldn t be much good at taking somebody out… …   Modern English usage

  • BET(H)-ARABAH — (modern Bet ha Aravah) (Heb. בֵּית הָעֲרָבָה; House of the Steppe ), place in southern Ereẓ Israel, in the Jericho Desert of the Lower Jordan Valley. The ancient name is preserved in ʿAyn al Gharaba, southeast of Jericho near the Jordan River,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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