evaporite rock
Смотреть что такое "evaporite rock" в других словарях:
evaporite — [ē vap′ə rīt΄, ivap′ə rīt΄] n. a type of sedimentary rock, as halite or gypsum, formed by the evaporation of salt water … English World dictionary
evaporite — Rock formed by precipitation of minerals from evaporating water, usually from sea water. As sea water evaporates the least soluble mineral contents precipitate first; these include calcium carbonate that is deposited as fine grained limestone … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Evaporite — Cobble encrusted with halite evaporated from the Dead Sea, Israel. Evaporite ( / … Wikipedia
evaporite — /i vap euh ruyt /, n. Geol. any sedimentary rock, as gypsum or rock salt, formed by precipitation from evaporating seawater. [1920 25; EVAPOR(ATION) + ITE1] * * * Any of a variety of minerals found in sedimentary deposits of soluble salts that… … Universalium
Rock (geology) — In geology, rock is a naturally occurring aggregate of minerals and/or mineraloids.The Earth s outer solid layer, the ‘lithosphere’, is made of rock. In general rocks are of three types, namely, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. The… … Wikipedia
rock anhydrite — A sedimentary rock (evaporite) composed chiefly of mineral anhydrite (anhydrous CaSO4); The rock is generally massive, cryptocrystalline, and may exhibit rhythmic sedimentation (rhymites). Compare: rock gypsum, rock halite. SW … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
rock gypsum — A sedimentary rock (evaporite) composed primarily of mineral gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O). The rock is generally massive, ranges from coarse crystalline to fine granular, may show disturbed bedding due to hydration expansion of parent anhydrite… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
rock halite — A sedimentary rock (evaporite) composed primarily of halite (NaCl). SW … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
evaporite — e•vap•o•rite [[t]ɪˈvæp əˌraɪt[/t]] n. gel any sedimentary rock, as gypsum or rock salt, formed by precipitation from evaporating seawater • Etymology: 1920 … From formal English to slang
evaporite — /əˈvæpəraɪt/ (say uh vapuhruyt), /i / (say ee ) noun a rock formed from a sedimentary deposit that results from the evaporation of seawater, as limestone, dolomite, rock salt, etc …
evaporite — noun Etymology: evaporation + 1 ite Date: 1924 a sedimentary rock (as gypsum) that originates by evaporation of seawater in an enclosed basin • evaporitic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary