evaluation of polynomial

evaluation of polynomial
мат. вычисление значения полинома

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "evaluation of polynomial" в других словарях:

  • Polynomial — In mathematics, a polynomial (from Greek poly, many and medieval Latin binomium, binomial [1] [2] [3], the word has been introduced, in Latin, by Franciscus Vieta[4]) is an expression of finite length constructed from variables (also known as… …   Wikipedia

  • Polynomial interpolation — In the mathematical subfield of numerical analysis, polynomial interpolation is the interpolation of a given data set by a polynomial. In other words, given some data points (such as obtained by sampling), the aim is to find a polynomial which… …   Wikipedia

  • Polynomial — Polynôme Courbe polynomiale cubique Un polynôme, en mathématiques, est la combinaison linéaire des produits de puissances d une ou de plusieurs indéterminées, habituellement notées X, Y, Z… Ces objets sont largement utilisés en pratique, ne… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tutte polynomial — This article is about the Tutte polynomial of a graph. For the Tutte polynomial of a matroid, see Matroid. The polynomial x4 + x3 + x2y is the Tutte polynomial of the Bull graph. The red line shows the intersection with the plane …   Wikipedia

  • Lagrange polynomial — In numerical analysis, a Lagrange polynomial, named after Joseph Louis Lagrange, is the interpolation polynomial for a given set of data points in the Lagrange form. It was first discovered by Edward Waring in 1779 and later rediscovered by… …   Wikipedia

  • Separation et evaluation — Séparation et évaluation Un algorithme par séparation et évaluation, également appelé selon le terme anglo saxon branch and bound, est une méthode générique de résolution de problèmes d optimisation, et plus particulièrement d optimisation… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Séparation et évaluation — Un algorithme par séparation et évaluation, également appelé selon le terme anglo saxon branch and bound, est une méthode générique de résolution de problèmes d optimisation, et plus particulièrement d optimisation combinatoire ou discrète. C est …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sparse binary polynomial hashing — (SBPH) is a generalization of Bayesian filtering that can match mutating phrases as well as single words. SBPH is a way of generating a large number of features from an incoming text automatically, and then using statistics to determine the… …   Wikipedia

  • Horner scheme — In numerical analysis, the Horner scheme or Horner algorithm, named after William George Horner, is an algorithm for the efficient evaluation of polynomials in monomial form. Horner s method describes a manual process by which one may approximate …   Wikipedia

  • Computational complexity of mathematical operations — The following tables list the running time of various algorithms for common mathematical operations. Here, complexity refers to the time complexity of performing computations on a multitape Turing machine.[1] See big O notation for an explanation …   Wikipedia

  • Minimax approximation algorithm — Polynomial expansions such as the Taylor series expansion are often convenient for theoretical work but less useful for practical applications. For practical work it is often desirable to minimize the maximum absolute or relative error of a… …   Wikipedia

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