Смотреть что такое "eutrophic" в других словарях:
eutrophic — [yo͞o träf′ik, yo͞otrō′fik] adj. [ EU + TROPHIC] designating or of a body of water, esp. a lake or pond, rich in nutrients which cause excessive growth of aquatic plants, esp. algae: the resulting bacteria consume nearly all the oxygen, esp.… … English World dictionary
eutrophic — adjective Etymology: probably from German Eutroph eutrophic, from Greek eutrophos well nourished, nourishing, from eu + trephein to nourish Date: 1928 of a body of water characterized by the state resulting from eutrophication compare mesotrophic … New Collegiate Dictionary
eutrophic — 1. adjective a) being rich in nutrients and minerals and therefore having an excessive growth of algae and thus a diminished oxygen content to the detriment of other organisms b) promoting nutrition Ant: oligotrophic 2. noun … Wiktionary
Eutrophic lake — A eutrophic lake (Eu meaning good/well and trophic meaning food/nutrients) is a lake with high primary productivity, the result of high nutrient content. These lakes are subject to excessive algal blooms, resulting in poor water quality. The… … Wikipedia
eutrophic plants — eutrofiniai augalai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Derlingose dirvose augantys augalai. atitikmenys: angl. eutrophic plants; megatrophic plants vok. eutrophe Pflanzen, f; Eutrophen, f; Megatrophen, f rus. мегатрофы; эвтрофы … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
eutrophic water — eutrofiniai vandenys statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Vandenys, kuriuose gausu maisto medžiagų ir palankios sąlygos gyvūnams gyventi. atitikmenys: angl. eutrophic water vok. eutropher Wasserbehälter, m rus. водоём эвтрофный,… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
eutrophic — adjective for eutrophy … Dictionary of ichthyology
eutrophic — (u trof ik) A nutrient enriched environment … Dictionary of microbiology
eutrophic — eutrophication, n. /yooh trof ik, troh fik/, adj. 1. Med. pertaining to or being in a condition of eutrophy. 2. Ecol. (of a lake) characterized by an abundant accumulation of nutrients that support a dense growth of algae and other organisms, the … Universalium
eutrophic — Relating to, characterized by, or promoting eutrophia … Medical dictionary
eutrophic — adj. promoting proper development, pertaining to proper nutrition … English contemporary dictionary