Смотреть что такое "euthenics" в других словарях:
Euthenics — deals with human improvement through altering external factors such as education and the controllable environment, including the prevention and removal of contagious disease and parasites, environmentalism, education regarding home economics,… … Wikipedia
euthenics — ☆ euthenics [yo͞o then′iks ] n. [< Gr euthēnein, to flourish (< eu (see EU ) + IE base * gwhen , to swell > Pers āganiš, full) + ICS] the science of improving the human species through control of environmental factors … English World dictionary
Euthenics — Unter Euthenics versteht man die Lehre von der Weiterentwicklung der Menschheit durch Verbesserungen der Umwelt. Im Rahmen der Euthenics Forschung beachtete Umweltbedingungen sind vor allem: Bildung Ernährung Wohnbedingungen und Seuchenprävention … Deutsch Wikipedia
euthenics — noun plural but singular or plural in construction Etymology: Greek euthenein to thrive Date: 1905 a science that deals with development of human well being by improvement of living conditions • euthenist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
euthenics — euthenist /yooh then ist, yooh theuh nist/, n. /yooh then iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) a science concerned with bettering the condition of human beings through the improvement of their environment. [1900 05; < Gk euthen(eîn) to be well off,… … Universalium
euthenics — noun a) The study of the effects of place on people. b) study of improvement of human function when environment improves … Wiktionary
euthenics — The science concerned with establishing optimum living conditions for plants, animals, or humans, especially through proper provisioning and environment. [G. eutheneo, to thrive] * * * eu·then·ics yu̇ then iks n pl but sing or pl in constr a… … Medical dictionary
euthenics — science concerned with improving living conditions Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
euthenics — n. science that deals with the betterment of the human condition by improving the environment … English contemporary dictionary
euthenics — eu·then·ics … English syllables
euthenics — eu•then•ics [[t]yuˈθɛn ɪks[/t]] n. (used with a sing. v.) a science concerned with improving the human species through the improvement of its environment • Etymology: 1900–05; < Gk euthēn(eîn) to be well off, prosper + ics eu•then•ist yuˈθɛn… … From formal English to slang