eurobond market
Смотреть что такое "eurobond market" в других словарях:
Eurobond — A debt security typically marketed in the international capital market to investors in countries outside the issuer s domestic market and/or denominated in a currency other than the domestic currency of the issuer. The primary Eurobond market… … Law dictionary
Eurobond — A Eurobond is an international bond that is denominated in a currency not native to the country where it is issued. It can be categorised according to the currency in which it is issued. London is one of the centers of the Eurobond market, but… … Wikipedia
eurobond — A bond issued in a eurocurrency, which is now one of the largest markets for raising money (it is much larger than the UK stock exchange). The reason for the popularity of the eurobond market is that secondary market investors can remain… … Accounting dictionary
eurobond — A bond issued in a eurocurrency, which is now one of the largest markets for raising money (it is much larger than the UK stock exchange). The reason for the popularity of the eurobond market is that secondary market investors can remain… … Big dictionary of business and management
Eurobond — / jυərəυbɒnd/ noun a long term bearer bond issued by an international corporation or government outside its country of origin and sold to purchasers who pay in a eurocurrency (sold on the Eurobond market) … Dictionary of banking and finance
Eurobond — [yoor′ō bänd΄] n. a bond issued in an international, usually European, market and repayable in the currency of issue … English World dictionary
Eurobond — A bond issued in a currency other than the currency of the country or market in which it is issued. Usually, a eurobond is issued by an international syndicate and categorized according to the currency in which it is denominated. A eurodollar… … Investment dictionary
Eurobond — /yoor euh bond /, n. a bond issued by a non European corporation and offered for sale in the European market, to be repaid in the currency of issue, esp. a U.S. corporate bond denominated and yielding interest in U.S. dollars. [EURO + BOND1] * *… … Universalium
Eurobond — Eu•ro•bond [[t]ˈyʊər əˌbɒnd[/t]] n. bus a U.S. corporate bond, offered for sale in the European market, denominated and yielding interest in U.S. dollars • Etymology: 1965–70 … From formal English to slang
International Securities Market Association — The eurobond market s trade association … Accounting dictionary
International Securities Market Association — ISMA The eurobond market s trade association, founded in 1969. It is based in Zürich … Big dictionary of business and management