- eurhythmics
- ритмика;
ритмическая гимнастика, художественная гимнастика
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Eurhythmics — (also Rhythmic Gymnastics, Rhythmics) is an approach to music education that was devised by Emile Jaques Dalcroze. This method utilizes the expression of physical movement and musical rhythms to reinforce the concepts which affect the student’s… … Wikipedia
eurhythmics — [yoo rith′miks] n. EURYTHMICS eurhythmic adj. eurhythmy n … English World dictionary
eurhythmics — meninė gimnastika statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Tik moterų kultivuojama sporto šaka, kurią sudaro choreografijos ir akrobatikos elementų deriniai, atliekami pagal muziką. Tai judesių menas, leidžiantis perduoti žmogaus… … Sporto terminų žodynas
eurhythmics — noun plural but singular or plural in construction see eurythmics … New Collegiate Dictionary
eurhythmics — /yoo ridh miks, yeuh /, n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) the art of interpreting in bodily movements the rhythm of musical compositions: applied to a method invented by Emile Jaques Dalcroze, a Swiss composer, aiming to develop the sense of… … Universalium
eurhythmics — n. system of rhythmic and harmonious movement … English contemporary dictionary
eurhythmics — (also eurhythmy; US also eurythmics, eurythmy) plural noun [treated as sing.] a system of rhythmical physical movements to music used to teach musical understanding or for therapeutic purposes. Origin early 20th cent.: from eu + rhythm + ics … English new terms dictionary
eurhythmics — eu·rhyth·mics … English syllables
eurhythmics — eu•rhyth•mics [[t]yʊˈrɪð mɪks, yə [/t]] n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) mad the art of interpreting through bodily movement the rhythms of improvised music • Etymology: 1910–15 … From formal English to slang
eurhythmics — /juˈrɪðmɪks / (say yooh ridhmiks) noun the art of interpreting in bodily movements the rhythm of musical compositions, with the aim of developing the sense of rhythm and symmetry; invented by Swiss composer Emile Jaques Dalcroze, 1865–1950. Also …
eurhythmics — n.pl. (also treated as sing.) (US eurythmics) harmony of bodily movement, esp. as developed with music and dance into a system of education … Useful english dictionary