
pl от eupatrid

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "eupatridae" в других словарях:

  • Eupatridae — (literally good fathered , i.e. offspring of noble fathers or the well born ) refers to the ancient nobility of the Greek region of Attica. Tradition ascribes to Theseus, whom it also regards as the author of the union ( synoecism ) of Attica… …   Wikipedia

  • EUPATRIDAE — apud Athenienses olim erant civium nobiliotes, qui regio prognati sanguine, dignitate coeteris antistabant. Primitus enim duo in Rep. civium, quibus inter grandus dignitatis fortunoeque aliquid interlucebat, ordines erat, Εὐπατρίδαι nempe et… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • ancient Greek civilization — ▪ historical region, Eurasia Introduction       the period following Mycenaean civilization, which ended in about 1200 BC, to the death of Alexander the Great, in 323 BC. It was a period of political, philosophical, artistic, and scientific… …   Universalium

  • History of Athens — The Acropolis of Athens by Leo von Klenze Athens is one of the oldest named cities in the world, having been continuously inhabited for at least 7000 years. Situated in southern Europe, Athens became the leading city of Ancient Greece in the… …   Wikipedia

  • eupatrid — /yooh pa trid, yooh peuh /, n., pl. eupatridae /yooh pa tri dee /. one of the hereditary aristocrats of ancient Athens and other states of Greece, who at one time formed the ruling class. [1825 35; < Gk eupatrídes, lit., of a good father, of… …   Universalium

  • Solon — Solonian /soh loh nee euhn/, Solonic /soh lon ik/, adj. /soh leuhn/, n. 1. c638 c558 B.C., Athenian statesman. 2. (often l.c.) a wise lawgiver. 3. a town in N Ohio. 14,341. * * * born с 630 died с 560 BC Athenian statesman, reformer, and poet,… …   Universalium

  • geōmoroi — ▪ Greek social class also called  agroikoi , or  Geōrgoi        class of citizens in ancient Greek society. In 7th century BC Attic society, geōmoroi were freemen, generally peasant farm holders, lower on the social and political scale than the… …   Universalium

  • eupatrid — noun (plural eupatridae) Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Greek eupatridēs, from eu + patr , patēr father more at father Date: 1836 one of the hereditary aristocrats of ancient Athens …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Draco (lawgiver) — Dracon redirects here. In fiction, it may refer also to the home world of the Dracs. Draco Born circa 650 BC Died unknown Residence Athens, Ancient Greece Occupation …   Wikipedia

  • Cynaegirus — Cynegeirus or Cynaegeirus (Greek: Κυνέγειρος or Κυναίγειρος, ? 490 BC) was an ancient Greek hero of Athens and brother of the playwright Aeschylus. He was the son of Euphorion from Eleusis and member of the Eupatridae, the ancient nobility… …   Wikipedia

  • Archon basileus — (Ἄρχων Βασιλεύς) was a Greek title, meaning king magistrate : the term is derived the words archon magistrate and basileus king or sovereign .In classical Athens, the Archon Basileus was the last remnant of monarchy. Although much of his powers… …   Wikipedia

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