- euhemerism
- эвгемеризм, эвгемеристика (метод толкования мифов)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
euhemerism — EUHEMERÍSM s.n. Doctrina lui Euhemeros (sec. IV III î.Hr.), potrivit căreia zeii nu sunt decât oameni de seamă divinizaţi. [pr.: e u . – var.: evhemerísm s.n.] – Din fr. évhémérisme. Trimis de bogdang, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 euhemerísm s. n … Dicționar Român
Euhemerism — Eu*hem er*ism . [L. Euhemerus, Gr. ? a philosopher, about 300 ?.] The theory, held by Euhemerus, that the gods of mythology were but deified mortals, and their deeds only the amplification in imagination of human acts. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
euhemerism — (n.) 1846, the method of regarding myths as glorified accounts of actual events or persons, from Euhemerus of Sicily (4c. B.C.E.), who wrote Iera Anagraphe, in which he maintained the Greek deities actually were historical mortals. His name is… … Etymology dictionary
euhemerism — [yo͞o hē′mər iz΄əm, yo͞ohem′ərizəm] n. [< L Euhemerus (< Gr Euhēmeros) + ISM] the theory of the Greek writer Euhemerus (4th cent. B.C. ) that the gods of mythology were deified human beings; theory that myths are based on traditional… … English World dictionary
euhemerism — euhemerist, n. euhemeristic, adj. euhemeristically, adv. /yooh hee meuh riz euhm, hem euh /, n. 1. (often cap.) the theory of Euhemerus that the mythologies of various gods arose out of the deification of dead heroes. 2. the theory that mythology … Universalium
euhemerism — noun Etymology: Euhemerus, 4th century B.C. Greek mythographer Date: 1846 interpretation of myths as traditional accounts of historical persons and events • euhemerist noun • euhemeristic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
euhemerism — noun A belief attributing the origins of the gods to the deification of heroes after their deaths. See Also: euhemerize, euhemeristic, euhemerist … Wiktionary
EUHEMERISM — the theory that the gods of antiquity are merely deified men, so called from Euhemeros, the Greek who first propounded the theory, and who lived 316 B.C … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
EUHEMERISM — the idea that ancient GODS were originally CULTURE heroes elevated to DIVINE status by popular sentiment … Concise dictionary of Religion
euhemerism — explanation of mythology as growing out of history Philosophical Isms … Phrontistery dictionary
euhemerism — eu·he·mer·ism … English syllables