Смотреть что такое "ethnocracy" в других словарях:
Ethnocracy — is a form of government where representatives of a particular ethnic group(s) hold a number of government posts disproportionately large to the percentage of the total population that the particular ethnic group(s) represents and use them to… … Wikipedia
ethnocracy — noun A form of government in which a particular ethnic group holds a disproportionate amount of government power compared to their percentage in the population. See Also: ethnocratic … Wiktionary
ethnocracy — government by an ethnic group or race Forms of Government … Phrontistery dictionary
ethnocracy — Rulership by a specific race … Grandiloquent dictionary
Sfarmă-Piatră — (literally Stone Crusher or Rock Breaker , named after one of the Uriaşi characters in Romanian folklore; IPA2| sfar.mə pja.trə) was an antisemitic daily, monthly and later weekly newspaper, published in Romania during the late 1930s and early… … Wikipedia
Nepalis in Hong Kong — These is a small ethnic minority population of Nepalese people in Hong Kong, forming roughly 0.2% of the total population. They primarily came to the territory as part of the Gurkha brigade of the British Army. After the handover in 1997, they… … Wikipedia
Oren Ben-Dor — (Hebrew: אורן בן דור ) teaches the philosophy of law and political philosophy[1] at the University of Southampton School of Law in the United Kingdom.[2] He has published two books on these topics and is releasing shortly a third on the… … Wikipedia
Antisemitism — Part of a series on Discrimination General forms … Wikipedia
Discrimination — This article focuses on discrimination in sociology, not statistical discrimination. For other uses of the term, see the entry for discrimination at Wiktionary. Part of a series on … Wikipedia
Misogyny — Part of a series on Discrimination General forms … Wikipedia
Misandry — Part of a series on Discrimination General forms … Wikipedia