eternity ring
Смотреть что такое "eternity ring" в других словарях:
eternity ring — noun : a narrow ring to be worn by a woman and usually set with a continuous line of gems * * * eternity ring noun A ring set all round with stones, symbolizing continuity and everlasting love • • • Main Entry: ↑eternal * * * eternity ring, a… … Useful english dictionary
eternity ring — /əˈtɜnəti rɪŋ/ (say uh ternuhtee ring) noun a ring worn, usually by a woman, as a symbol of everlasting love …
eternity ring — noun a ring given as a symbol of lasting affection, typically set with an unbroken circle of gems … English new terms dictionary
Ring (jewellery) — A finger ring is a band worn as a type of ornamental jewellery around a finger; it is the most common current meaning of the word . Other types of metal bands worn as ornaments are also called rings , such as arm rings and neck rings.Rings are… … Wikipedia
eternity — n. (pl. ies) 1 infinite or unending (esp. future) time. 2 Theol. endless life after death. 3 the state of being eternal. 4 colloq. (often prec. by an) a very long time. 5 (in pl.) eternal truths. Phrases and idioms: eternity ring a finger ring… … Useful english dictionary
ring — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 piece of jewellery/jewelry ADJECTIVE ▪ engagement, eternity (esp. BrE), promise (esp. AmE), purity (esp. AmE), signet, wedding ▪ diamond … Collocations dictionary
Eternity (Angel) — Infobox Television episode Title = Eternity Series = Angel Angel is chained to the bed by Cordelia and Wesley after turning into Angelus Caption = {Caption|} Season = 1 Episode = 17 Airdate = April 4, 2000 Production = 1ADH17 Writer = Tracey… … Wikipedia
Ring — The custom of the Wedding Ring was probably adopted by the early Church from the marriage customs of the Jews and also of the heathen, as its use has been almost universal. From its shape, having neither beginning nor ending, it is regarded as … American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
eternity — noun Eternity is used before these nouns: ↑ring … Collocations dictionary
Wedding ring — For other uses, see Wedding ring (disambiguation). A white gold wedding ring. A wedding ring or wedding band is a metal ring indicating the wearer is married. Depending on the local culture, it is worn on the base of the right or the left ring… … Wikipedia
Shen ring — A shen ring is a circle with a line at a tangent to it, which was used in hieroglyphics as a stylised loop of a rope. In particular, the circle represented eternity, as circles did in many ancient cultures (e.g. the wedding ring). In numerical… … Wikipedia