estimation theor
Смотреть что такое "estimation theor" в других словарях:
Charles Roy Henderson — For other people named Charles Henderson, see Charles Henderson (disambiguation). Charles Roy Henderson [[File:More Henderson Biography|225px|alt=]] Born April 1, 1911 … Wikipedia
Марелье, Карл Йохан — Карл Йохан Марелье (фр. C. Johan Masreliez; 15 апреля 1939(19390415) в Стокгольме) физик теоретик, инженер и изобретатель, гражданин США, проживает около Сиэттла. На протяжении 1970 −80 годов он внес важный вклад в развитие электронных… … Википедия
Human evolutionary genetics — studies how one human genome differs from the other, the evolutionary past that gave rise to it, and its current effects. Differences between genomes have anthropological, medical and forensic implications and applications. Genetic data can… … Wikipedia
General relativity — For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to general relativity. General relativity Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources … Wikipedia
Chargaff's rules — state that DNA from any cell of all organisms should have a 1:1 ratio (base Pair Rule)of pyrimidine and purine bases and, more specifically, that the amount of guanine is equal to cytosine and the amount of adenine is equal to thymine. This… … Wikipedia
Extreme physical information — (EPI) is a principle, first described and formulated in 1998 Frieden, B. Roy Physics from Fisher Information: A Unification , 1st Ed. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0 521 63167 X, pp328, 1998 ( [ref name= Frieden6 ] shows 2nd Ed.)] by B. Roy… … Wikipedia
George B. Johnson — Dr George B. Johnson (born 11 June 1942, [Dr. George Johnson s CV (1998 2004). Retrieved August 02, 2006, from txt Writer:] Newport News, Virginia) is a science writer who wrote the weekly column On… … Wikipedia
Blockentropie — Die Übertragung von Symbolfolgen oder Zeichenketten aus einem endlichen Alphabet ergeben sich in fast allen gängigen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, d. h. alle geschriebenen Texte, Programm Code, DNA Sequenzen, digital gewandelte Daten von Musik… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Verbundentropie — Die Übertragung von Symbolfolgen oder Zeichenketten aus einem endlichen Alphabet ergeben sich in fast allen gängigen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, d. h. alle geschriebenen Texte, Programm Code, DNA Sequenzen, digital gewandelte Daten von Musik… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Espèce invasive — Cette espèce, Miconia calvescens, originaire d Amérique centrale est jugée responsable dans l accélération de l érosion de certaines îles du Pacifique, tel que l archipel d Hawaii … Wikipédia en Français
Réfractométrie — Réfractomètre d Abbe de paillasse, modèle actuel. La réfractométrie est une technique qui vise à déterminer l indice de réfraction d un matériau, le plus souvent liquide, mais également solide ou gazeux. L instrument de laboratoire ou de terrain… … Wikipédia en Français