estimated probability

estimated probability
мат. оценка вероятности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "estimated probability" в других словарях:

  • Probability of default — Basel II Bank for International Settlements Basel Accords Basel I Basel II Background Banking Monetary policy Central bank Risk …   Wikipedia

  • probability theory — Math., Statistics. the theory of analyzing and making statements concerning the probability of the occurrence of uncertain events. Cf. probability (def. 4). [1830 40] * * * Branch of mathematics that deals with analysis of random events.… …   Universalium

  • Probability plot — The probability plot is a graphical technique for assessing whether or not a data set follows a given distribution such as the normal or Weibull, and for visually estimating the location and scale parameters of the chosen distribution. The data… …   Wikipedia

  • Probability — The relative likelihood of a particular outcome among all possible outcomes. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * probability prob‧a‧bil‧i‧ty [ˌprɒbəˈbɪlti ǁ ˌprɑː ] noun probabilities PLURALFORM [countable, uncountable] STATISTICS the… …   Financial and business terms

  • probability — The relative likelihood of a particular outcome among all possible outcomes. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * probability prob‧a‧bil‧i‧ty [ˌprɒbəˈbɪlti ǁ ˌprɑː ] noun probabilities PLURALFORM [countable, uncountable] STATISTICS the chance… …   Financial and business terms

  • Default Probability — The degree of likelihood that the borrower of a loan or debt will not be able to make the necessary scheduled repayments. Should the borrower be unable to pay, they are then said to be in default of the debt, at which point the lenders of the… …   Investment dictionary

  • Imprecise probability — The notion of Imprecise probability is used as a generic term to cover all mathematical models which measure chance or uncertainty without sharp numerical probabilities. It includes both qualitative (comparative probability, partial preference… …   Wikipedia

  • Absolute probability judgement — is a technique used in the field of human reliability assessment (HRA), for the purposes of evaluating the probability of a human error occurring throughout the completion of a specific task. From such analyses measures can then be taken to… …   Wikipedia

  • Universal probability bound — A universal probability bound is a probabilistic threshold whose existence is asserted by William A. Dembski and is used by him in his works promoting intelligent design. It is defined as A degree of improbability below which a specified event of …   Wikipedia

  • Network Probability Matrix — The Network Probability Matrix describes the probability structure of a network based on the historical precence or absence of edges in a network. For example, individuals in a social network are not connected to other individuals with uniform… …   Wikipedia

  • Network probability matrix — The network probability matrix describes the probability structure of a network based on the historical presence or absence of edges in a network. For example, individuals in a social network are not connected to other individuals with uniform… …   Wikipedia

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