estimated figures

estimated figures
оценочные показатели

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "estimated figures" в других словарях:

  • List of most wealthy historical figures — This list of the richest people ever or the most wealthy historical figures is essentially the list of the richest people in the history of mankind since the dawn of civilization (from the time that money was invented) or the richest people ever… …   Wikipedia

  • Wealthy historical figures 2008 — The list of the most wealthy historical figures of 2008 is based on research done around the world by Forbes magazine in 2007 and other sources of information, and has been adjusted for 2007 US dollars. [cite news | first= | last= | authorlink= | …   Wikipedia

  • Latin America's Business Figures — LATIN AMERICA’S BUSINESS FIGURES Carlos Slim Helú (born January 28 1940 in Mexico City) is a Lebanese businessman and the world s richest person as of August 2007, according to Fortune magazine and the Wall Street Journal. Slim has a substantial… …   Wikipedia

  • in round figures — {adv. phr.} As an estimated number; as a rounded off figure containing no decimals or fractions. * /Skip the cents and just tell me in round figures how much this car repair will cost./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • in round figures — {adv. phr.} As an estimated number; as a rounded off figure containing no decimals or fractions. * /Skip the cents and just tell me in round figures how much this car repair will cost./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Canceled figures — Figure Fig ure (f[i^]g [ u]r; 135), n. [F., figure, L. figura; akin to fingere to form, shape, feign. See {Feign}.] 1. The form of anything; shape; outline; appearance. [1913 Webster] Flowers have all exquisite figures. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wealthy historical figures 2007 — This list of the most wealthy historical figures is based on research done around the world by Forbes magazine in 2006 and other sources of information, and has been adjusted for 2006 and 2007 USD dollars. This list is based on the historical… …   Wikipedia

  • Wealthy historical figures 2006 — The list of the most wealthy historical figures is based on research done around the world by Forbes magazine in 2006 and other sources of information. This list is based on the historical characters of which where in either the Industrial age,… …   Wikipedia

  • in\ round\ figures — • in round numbers • in round figures adv. phr. As an estimated number; as a rounded off figure containing no decimals or fractions. Skip the cents and just tell me in round figures how much this car repair will cost …   Словарь американских идиом

  • REFUGEES — (1933–1949). When the Nazis came to power, many Jews believed that this chapter in German history would soon pass, that Germany would come to its senses, and that Hitler could not last long. Over time, however, the ranks of the pessimists swelled …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Organized crime — Crime syndicate redirects here. For the DC Comics group of villains, see Crime Syndicate. For other uses, see Organized crime (disambiguation). Al Capone, a name often associated with organized crime …   Wikipedia

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