estimated average

estimated average
оценка среднего;
предполагаемое среднее значение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "estimated average" в других словарях:

  • average — I. noun Etymology: from earlier average proportionally distributed charge for damage at sea, modification of Middle French avarie damage to ship or cargo, from Old Italian avaria, from Arabic ‘awārīya damaged merchandise Date: 1732 1. a. a single …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • average — n Average, mean, median, norm, par denote something and usually a number, a quantity, or a condition that represents a middle point between extremes. Of these words average, mean, median, and par are also used as adjectives. Average is an… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Estimated sign — specification …   Wikipedia

  • average salary — UK US noun [C] (plural average salaries) (also average wage [C], also average pay [U]) ECONOMICS, HR ► the average amount of money earned by workers in a particular industry, economy, area, etc. during a particular period of time: »The annual… …   Financial and business terms

  • average — averageable, adj. averagely, adv. averageness, n. /av euhr ij, av rij/, n., adj., v., averaged, averaging. n. 1. a quantity, rating, or the like that represents or approximates an arithmetic mean: Her golf average is in the 90s. My average in… …   Universalium

  • average — n., adj., & v. n. 1 a the usual amount, extent, or rate. b the ordinary standard. 2 an amount obtained by dividing the total of given amounts by the number of amounts in the set. 3 Law the distribution of loss resulting from damage to a ship or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • average — av•er•age [[t]ˈæv ər ɪdʒ, ˈæv rɪdʒ[/t]] n. adj. v. aged, ag•ing 1) math. cvb a) a quantity, rating, or the like that represents or approximates an arithmetic mean: a golf average in the 90 s Compare grade point average b) arithmetic mean c) a… …   From formal English to slang

  • average — /ˈævrɪdʒ/ (say avrij), /ˈævərɪdʒ / (say avuhrij) noun 1. an arithmetical mean. 2. a quantity intermediate to a set of quantities. 3. the ordinary, normal, or typical amount, rate, quality, kind, etc.; the common run. 4. Commerce a. a small charge …  

  • Estimated lifetime cancer risks attributed to low-level irradiation — ▪ Table Estimated lifetime cancer risks attributed to low level irradiation site irradiated cancers per 10,000 person Sv* bone marrow (leukemia) 15–20 thyroid 25–120 breast (women only) 40–200 lung 25–140 stomach liver 5–60 (each) colon bone… …   Universalium

  • estimated breeding value — Abbreviation: EBV Twice the expected progeny difference. The difference is doubled because breeding value is a reflection of all the genes of an individual, in contrast to progeny difference, which is a reflection of a sample half of an… …   Glossary of Biotechnology

  • average tare — noun : tare estimated from the weight of a number of packages selected from a large number of similar ones …   Useful english dictionary

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