estimable function
Смотреть что такое "estimable function" в других словарях:
Errors-in-variables models — In statistics and econometrics, errors in variables models or measurement errors models are regression models that account for measurement errors in the independent variables. In contrast, standard regression models assume that those regressors… … Wikipedia
Optimal design — This article is about the topic in the design of experiments. For the topic in optimal control theory, see shape optimization. Gustav Elfving developed the optimal design of experiments, and so minimized surveyors need for theodolite measurements … Wikipedia
Kant: Critique of Judgement — Patrick Gardiner Kant’s third Critique, the Critique of Judgement, was published in 1790 and was intended as he himself put it to bring his “entire critical undertaking to a close.” So conceived, it was certainly in part designed to build upon… … History of philosophy
Systems engineering — is an interdisciplinary field of engineering that focuses on how complex engineering projects should be designed and managed. Issues such as logistics, the coordination of different teams, and automatic control of machinery become more difficult… … Wikipedia
Descriptive psychology — Psychology … Wikipedia
Insurance — This article is about risk management. For Insurance (blackjack), see Blackjack. For Insurance run (baseball), see Insurance run. In law and economics, insurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a… … Wikipedia
David Ward King — David Ward King, Inventor of the King Road Drag David Ward King (October 27, 1857 – February 9, 1920), a farmer who lived near Maitland, Missouri, was the inventor of the King road drag. His invention, which was the horse drawn forerunner of the… … Wikipedia
baseball — /bays bawl /, n. 1. a game of ball between two nine player teams played usually for nine innings on a field that has as a focal point a diamond shaped infield with a home plate and three other bases, 90 ft. (27 m) apart, forming a circuit that… … Universalium
Religious Toleration — Religious Toleration † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Religious Toleration Toleration in general signifies patient forbearance in the presence of an evil which one is unable or unwilling to prevent. By religious toleration is understood the… … Catholic encyclopedia
St. Paul — St. Paul † Catholic Encyclopedia ► St. Paul I. PRELIMINARY QUESTIONS A. Apocryphal Acts of St. Paul Professor Schmidt has published a photographic copy, a transcription, a German translation, and a commentary of a Coptic… … Catholic encyclopedia
The Vatican — The Vatican † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Vatican This subject will be treated under the following heads: I. Introduction; II. Architectural History of the Vatican Palace; III. Description of the Palace; IV. Description of the… … Catholic encyclopedia