
ɪsˈkeɪpmənt сущ.
1) избавление, спасение;
тж. средство избавления, выход He allowed her to go her own way, as the best escapement of a frenzy. ≈ Он позволил ей идти собственным путем, полагая, что это лучший способ спасения от безумия.
2) техн. спуск, регулятор хода (часов) (редкое) бегство, побег (редкое) уход из жизни, замыканиесамом себе) (техническое) спуск, анкерный механизм escapement бегство и пр. ~ тех. выход, выпуск ~ спуск, регулятор хода (часов)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "escapement" в других словарях:

  • Escapement — redirects here. For the fisheries term for the stock surviving fishing pressures over a spawning cycle, see Spawn (biology). For other uses, see Escapement (disambiguation). A deadbeat escapement, used in many pendulum clocks. Click above to see… …   Wikipedia

  • Escapement — Es*cape ment, n. [Cf. F. [ e]chappement. See {Escape}.] 1. The act of escaping; escape. [R.] [1913 Webster] 2. Way of escape; vent. [R.] [1913 Webster] An escapement for youthful high spirits. G. Eliot. [1913 Webster] 3. The contrivance in a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • escapement — ► NOUN 1) a mechanism in a clock or watch that connects and regulates the motive power. 2) a mechanism in a typewriter that shifts the carriage a small fixed amount to the left after a key is pressed and released. 3) the part of the mechanism in… …   English terms dictionary

  • escapement — [e skāp′mənt, iskāp′mənt] n. [ ESCAPE + MENT, after Fr échappement] 1. Rare the action of escaping or a means of escape 2. the part in a mechanical clock or watch that controls the speed and regularity of the balance wheel or pendulum, and… …   English World dictionary

  • escapement — /i skayp meuhnt/, n. 1. Horol. the portion of a watch or clock that measures beats and controls the speed of the going train. Cf. anchor escapement, deadbeat (def. 1), lever escapement. 2. a mechanism for regulating the motion of a typewriter… …   Universalium

  • escapement error — Horol. loss of isochronism in the movement of a pendulum as a result of its relation to the escapement. * * * …   Universalium

  • escapement error — Horol. loss of isochronism in the movement of a pendulum as a result of its relation to the escapement …   Useful english dictionary

  • escapement — noun Date: 1779 1. a. a device in a timepiece which controls the motion of the train of wheelwork and through which the energy of the power source is delivered to the pendulum or balance by means of impulses that permit a tooth to escape from a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • escapement — number of migratory fish that reach a favourable spawning area annually. Refers to the fish that pass through a fishing area unscathed and reach the spawning grounds; usually said of anadromous fish …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • escapement — noun a) The contrivance in a timepiece (winding wrist watch) which connects the train of wheel work with the pendulum or balance, giving to the latter the impulse by which it is kept in vibration; so called because it allows a tooth to escape… …   Wiktionary

  • Escapement — Матрицевыпускающий механизм (строкоотливной наборной машины); Смещение на ширину знака, отработка ширины знака …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

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