escape slide
Смотреть что такое "escape slide" в других словарях:
Escape slide — Notrutsche entfaltet Eine Notrutsche (englisch evacuation slide) wird hauptsächlich in der Luftfahrt verwendet und dient der schnellen Evakuierung eines Flugzeugs in Notfällen. Sie wird bei allen kommerziellen, passagierbefördernden Flugzeugen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
escape slide — An emergency chute that inflates rapidly and permits crew and passengers a quick exit from the aircraft. Also called an escape chute. See escape hatch … Aviation dictionary
slide — Synonyms and related words: Photostat, Telephoto, Wirephoto, Xerox, Xerox copy, advance, aerial photograph, aerophone, alabaster, avalanche, be effortless, be painless, bell, billiard table, black and white photograph, blowup, blueprint, bolt… … Moby Thesaurus
escape hatch — Synonyms and related words: alternative, back door, back stairs, back way, bolt hole, boundary condition, catch, choice, clause, condition, covert way, donnee, ejection seat, emergency exit, escalator clause, escalier derobe, escape clause,… … Moby Thesaurus
escape — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Get away Nouns 1. escape, elopement, flight; evasion (see avoidance); retreat; narrow escape or squeak, hairbreadth escape; deliverance, liberation; redeployment; jailbreak, freedom. Informal, close call … English dictionary for students
escape — v 1. get awry, get free, get out, get clear of, break away, make or effect one s escape, make good one s escape, get away safely, Archaic. scape or scape, Inf. jump, Inf. skip, Inf. make a getaway or clean getaway, Inf. fly the coop; All Sl.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Escape From The Mindmaster — Infobox VG| title = Escape From The Mindmaster caption= developer = Starpath publisher = Starpath designer = Dennis Caswell engine = released = 1982 genre = First Person Adventure modes = Single Player ratings = platforms = Atari 2600 media =… … Wikipedia
Escape from the Carnival of Horrors — infobox Book | name = Escape from the Carnival of Horrors image caption = author = R.L. Stine illustrator = Mark Nagata country = United States language = English series = Give Yourself Goosebumps genre = Horror novel, Children s novel publisher … Wikipedia
slide — slaɪd n. act of sliding; inclined surface for sliding on (esp. in a children s playground); part or mechanism which slides; transparency; avalanche, landslide; small rectangular glass which holds a specimen for microscopic viewing v. move… … English contemporary dictionary
Evacuation slide — An evacuation slide is an inflatable slide used to evacuate an aircraft quickly. An escape slide is required on all commercial (passenger carrying) aircraft where the door sill height is such that, in the event of an evacuation, passengers would… … Wikipedia
The Great Escape & Splashwater Kingdom — Infobox Amusement park name = Six Flags The Great Escape Splashwater Kingdom location = Queensbury, New York (Advertised as in Lake George, New York) area = approximately 150 acres opening date = 1954 previous names = Storytown USA , The Great… … Wikipedia