- escape character
- знак перехода (напр., с одного перистра на другой) ;
знак переключения кода
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
escape character — noun (computing) 1. A control character that often terminates an action, etc 2. (in pl) a special sequence of control characters used to control a printer • • • Main Entry: ↑escape … Useful english dictionary
Escape Character — [engl.], Escape Zeichen … Universal-Lexikon
Escape character — In computing and telecommunication, an escape character is a character which invokes an alternative interpretation on subsequent characters in a character sequence. An escape character is a particular case of metacharacters. Generally, the… … Wikipedia
escape character — noun A single metacharacter, usually a control code, which in a sequence of characters signifies that what is to follow takes an alternative interpretation. The term escape sequence refers to the escape character and the subsequent character or… … Wiktionary
escape character — kaitos ženklas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Valdymo ženklas, informuojantis įtaisą arba programą, kad tekste po jo einančių ženklų grupė sudaro ↑kaitos seką. Yra specialus kaitos ženklas, žymimas ESC. Jo kodai: 27 (ASCII,… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Escape Character — Escape Sequenzen (von englisch to escape: entfliehen, entgehen, entkommen) sind Zeichenkombinationen, die für die Darstellung nicht direkt angebbarer Zeichen verwendet werden. Bei den nicht darstellbaren Zeichen handelt es sich meistens um… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Escape — may refer to: * Escape (hold), a maneuver used to exit a wrestling or grappling hold * Escapism, mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation * Escapology, the study and practice of escaping from physical restraints * Prison escape,… … Wikipedia
escape sequence — noun (computing) A sequence of characters, usu beginning with an escape character, that gives or initiates a command • • • Main Entry: ↑escape … Useful english dictionary
Escape sequence — This article refers to codes used as commands for computing devices. Escape sequence can also refer to a sequence of escape characters used in parsing source code. An escape sequence is a series of characters used to change the state of computers … Wikipedia
Character Generator Protocol — Not to be confused with character generator. Internet protocol suite Application layer BGP … Wikipedia
escape sequence — noun An escape character together with the subsequent characters that specify a particular meaning … Wiktionary