Смотреть что такое "erythrosine" в других словарях:
Érythrosine — Structure chimique de l érythrosine Général Synonymes C.I. 45430 C.I. Acid Red 51 C … Wikipédia en Français
érythrosine — [ eritrozin ] n. f. • 1861; all. Erythrosin;cf. érythro et ine ♦ Chim. Matière colorante rouge en solution aqueuse (sel sodique de la fluorescéine iodée), employée comme colorant alimentaire. ● érythrosine nom féminin Dérivé tétra iodé de la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
erythrosine — [e rith′rō sin, e rith′rōsēn΄] n. 〚 ERYTHRO + (EO)SIN〛 a sodium or potassium salt, C20H6I4O5Na2, formed from an iodine derivative of fluorescein and used in making food colors, biological stains, etc. * * * … Universalium
erythrosine — [e rith′rō sin, e rith′rōsēn΄] n. [ ERYTHRO + (EO)SIN] a sodium or potassium salt, C20H6I4O5Na2, formed from an iodine derivative of fluorescein and used in making food colors, biological stains, etc … English World dictionary
Erythrosine — Chembox new Name = Erythrosine ImageFile = Erythrosine.svg ImageName = Erythrosine IUPACName = 2 (6 hydroxy 2,4,5,7 tetraiodo 3 oxo xanthen 9 yl)benzoic acid Section1 = Chembox Identifiers SMILES = C1=CC=C(C(=C1)C2=C3C=C(C(=O)… … Wikipedia
erythrosine — eryth·ro·sine i rith rə sən, .sēn also eryth·ro·sin sən n a brick red powdered xanthene dye C20H6I4Na2O5 that is used as a biological stain and in dentistry as an agent to disclose plaque on teeth called also erythrosine sodium … Medical dictionary
erythrosine sodium — eryth·ro·sine so·di·um (ə rithґro sēn) a coloring agent used to disclose plaque on teeth; applied topically in solution, or tablets containing erythrosine sodium are chewed, after which the mouth is rinsed with water … Medical dictionary
erythrosine — noun see erythrosin … New Collegiate Dictionary
erythrosine — noun tetraiodo fluorescein, a cherry pink fluorone used as a food colouring, in printing inks, as a biological stain, a dental plaque disclosing agent and a radiopaque medium. Syn: E127 … Wiktionary
erythrosine — eryth·ro·sine … English syllables
erythrosine — /əˈrɪθroʊˌsin/ (say uh rithroh.seen), /əˈrɪθrə / (say uh rithruh ), / ˌsaɪn/ (say .suyn) noun sodium (or potassium) salt of iodeosin, C20H6I4Na2O5; a brown powder colourant which gives a cherry red solution in water …