- erythema
- ˌerɪˈθi:mə сущ.;
мед. эритема (медицина) покраснение кожи, эритема erythema мед. эритема
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
erythema — [er΄i thē′mə] n. [ModL < Gr erythēma < erythainein, to redden, blush < erythros, RED] an abnormal redness of the skin caused by various agents, as sunlight, drugs, etc., that irritate and congest the capillaries erythemic [er΄i thēmik]… … English World dictionary
Erythema — Er y*the ma, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to redden, fr. eryqro s red.] (Med.) A disease of the skin, in which a diffused inflammation forms rose colored patches of variable size. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Erythēma — (gr., Hautröthe, Med.), 1) niederer Grad der Rose, mehr durch äußere Reize erzeugt; 2) rosenartiger, doch mehrfleckiger Ausschlag; davon: Erythematisch … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
erythema — medical Latin, from Gk. erithema, from erythainein to become red. Related: Erythematous … Etymology dictionary
Erythema — Not to be confused with Arrythmia. Erythema Classification and external resources Characteristic bull s eye rash (erythema migrans) of early Lyme … Wikipedia
erythema — erythematic /er euh thi mat ik/, erythematous /er euh them euh teuhs, thee meuh /, erythemic, erythemal, adj. /er euh thee meuh/, n. Pathol. abnormal redness of the skin due to local congestion, as in inflammation. [1760 70; < NL < Gk, equiv. to… … Universalium
Erythema — Erythem bei einer Lyme Borreliose Erythem (Erythema, von altgriechisch ἐρύθημα (erýthema) „Röte“, „Entzündung“[1]) ist ein dermatologischer Ausdruck für eine Hautrötung bedingt durch eine Mehrdurchblutung auf dem Boden einer Gefäßerweiterung und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Erythema — A redness of the skin resulting from inflammation, for example, as caused by sunburn. * * * Redness due to capillary dilation. [G. e., flush] e. ab igne a reticulated, pigmented, macular eruption that occurs, often on the shins, in bakers,… … Medical dictionary
erythema — n. flushing of the skin due to dilatation of the blood capillaries in the dermis. It may be physiological or a sign of inflammation or infection. Erythema nodosum is characterized by tender bruiselike swellings on the shins and is often… … The new mediacal dictionary
erythema — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Greek erythēma, from erythainein to redden, from erythros Date: circa 1783 abnormal redness of the skin due to capillary congestion • erythematous adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Erythema nodosum — Classification and external resources Erythema nodosum in a person who had recently had streptococcal pharyngitis ICD 10 L … Wikipedia