error trapping
Смотреть что такое "error trapping" в других словарях:
Error Trapping — [engl.], Fehlerbehandlung … Universal-Lexikon
System/34 BASIC — IBM System/34 BASIC was an interpreter for the IBM System/34 midrange computer.System/34 BASIC was first offered in 1978, and as such, contained many of the trappings that a BASIC program would have encountered in the time period of the TRS 80,… … Wikipedia
System/36 BASIC — IBM System/36 BASIC was an interpreter for the IBM System/36 midrange computer.System/36 BASIC was first offered in 1983, and as such, contained many of the trappings that a BASIC program would have encountered in the time period of the IBM PC,… … Wikipedia
Simons' BASIC — This product is widely, but incorrectly, called Simon s BASIC , because of confusion between the first name Simon and the surname Simons .Simons BASIC was an extension to BASIC 2.0 for the Commodore 64 home computer. Written by 16 year old… … Wikipedia
Commodore BASIC — Commodore BASIC, also known as PET BASIC, is the dialect of the BASIC programming language used in Commodore International s 8 bit home computer line, stretching from the PET of 1977 to the C128 of 1985. The core was based on 6502 Microsoft BASIC … Wikipedia
Microsoft Access — Microsoft Office Access 2010 running on Windows 7 Developer(s) Microsoft Corporation … Wikipedia
trappable — adjective That can be trapped. If automatic error trapping is on and a trappable error occurs then the program is terminated. Ant: untrappable … Wiktionary
Applesoft BASIC — was a dialect of BASIC supplied on the Apple II computer, superseding Integer BASIC. Applesoft BASIC was supplied by Microsoft and its name is derived from the names of both Apple and Microsoft. The first version of Applesoft was released in 1977 … Wikipedia
Rebelstar (series) — The Rebelstar games are a series of turn based tactics video games programmed by Julian Gollop. Rebelstar Raiders , written mostly in BASIC, was published in 1984 by Red Shift for the ZX Spectrum. [WoS game|name=Rebelstar Raiders|id=0004064] It… … Wikipedia
NAG Numerical Libraries — is a software product sold by The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd (a non profit company). The product is a software library of numerical analysis routines. It comprises a collection of 1500 mathematical and statistical algorithms. Areas covered… … Wikipedia
Modified Dietz Method — The Modified Dietz Method is a calculation used to determine an approximation of the performance of an investment portfolio based on money weighted cash flow.[1] A more precise way of calculating performance in the presence of external cash flows … Wikipedia