error coefficient

error coefficient
мат. коэффициент ошибки

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "error coefficient" в других словарях:

  • Coefficient of determination — In statistics, the coefficient of determination R2 is used in the context of statistical models whose main purpose is the prediction of future outcomes on the basis of other related information. It is the proportion of variability in a data set… …   Wikipedia

  • Error threshold (evolution) — The error threshold is a concept in the study of evolutionary biology and population genetics and is concerned with the origins of life, in particular of very early life, before the advent of DNA. The first self replicating molecules were… …   Wikipedia

  • Coefficient of variation — In probability theory and statistics, the coefficient of variation (CV) is a normalized measure of dispersion of a probability distribution. It is also known as unitized risk or the variation coefficient. The absolute value of the CV is sometimes …   Wikipedia

  • Coefficient of thermal expansion — When the temperature of a substance changes, the energy that is stored in the intermolecular bonds between atoms changes. When the stored energy increases, so does the length of the molecular bonds. As a result, solids typically expand in… …   Wikipedia

  • coefficient A — The coefficient of constant compass deviation caused by misplacement of the lubber line of a compass in relation to the longitudinal axis of the carrying aircraft. This misplacement results in a constant error for all headings of the airplane.… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Gini coefficient — The Gini coefficient is a measure of statistical dispersion most prominently used as a measure of inequality of income distribution or inequality of wealth distribution. It is defined as a ratio with values between 0 and 1: A low Gini coefficient …   Wikipedia

  • Standard error (statistics) — For a value that is sampled with an unbiased normally distributed error, the above depicts the proportion of samples that would fall between 0, 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations above and below the actual value. The standard error is the standard… …   Wikipedia

  • Binomial coefficient — The binomial coefficients can be arranged to form Pascal s triangle. In mathematics, binomial coefficients are a family of positive integers that occur as coefficients in the binomial theorem. They are indexed by two nonnegative integers; the… …   Wikipedia

  • Phi coefficient — In statistics, the phi coefficient (also referred to as the mean square contingency coefficient and denoted by φ or rφ) is a measure of association for two binary variables introduced by Karl Pearson[1]. This measure is similar to the Pearson… …   Wikipedia

  • Minimum mean square error — In statistics and signal processing, a minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator describes the approach which minimizes the mean square error (MSE), which is a common measure of estimator quality. The term MMSE specifically refers to estimation… …   Wikipedia

  • коэффициент J — коэффициент креновой девиации Изменение в девиации компаса на каждый градус крена судна на правый борт, если судно идет по компасу курсом на север. [ГОСТ Р 52682 2006] Тематики средства навигации, наблюдения, управления Синонимы коэффициент… …   Справочник технического переводчика

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