Смотреть что такое "ergometry" в других словарях:
ergometry — ergometrija statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Atskirų raumenų ir jų grupių (blauzdos, pirštų, kojos) atliekamo darbo ar jo parametrų, pvz., galingumo, matavimas. kilmė gr. ergon + metreō – matuoju atitikmenys: angl. ergometry… … Sporto terminų žodynas
ergometry — n. method used to measure the amount of work performed by a living creature during exertion … English contemporary dictionary
arm ergometry exercise test — a variant of the bicycle ergometer exercise test in which the patient uses the arms to pedal the bicycle … Medical dictionary
Spinal cord injury — Spinal cord injuries Classification and external resources View of the vertebral column and spinal cord ICD 10 G … Wikipedia
er|go|met|rics — «UR goh MEHT rihks», noun. = ergometry. (Cf. ↑ergometry) … Useful english dictionary
Heart rate — is the number of heartbeats per unit of time, typically expressed as beats per minute (bpm). Heart rate can vary as the body s need to absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide changes, such as during exercise or sleep. The measurement of heart… … Wikipedia
GAKIC — is a brand name for a widely available nutritional supplement which, among other ingredients, contains a formulation of the glycine and L arginine salt of alpha ketoisocaproic acid calcium. GAKIC is a registered trademark. Clinical studies in… … Wikipedia
Gasto energético — La energía se define como la capacidad para trabajar en distintas funciones. En el estudio de la nutrición, se refiere a la manera en la que el cuerpo utiliza la energía localizada en las uniones químicas dentro de los alimentos. En el organismo … Wikipedia Español
Herbert Löllgen — 2010 Herbert Löllgen (* 5. Januar 1943 in Bonn) ist ein deutscher Arzt, Internist, international anerkannter Kardiologe und Sportmediziner. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
ESIC-LCE — electric stimulation induced contractions leg cycle ergometry … Medical dictionary
LCE — leg cycle ergometry … Medical dictionary