Смотреть что такое "erethism" в других словарях:
Erethism — or erethism mercurialis is a symptom complex of mercury poisoning, presenting with excessive shyness, timidity and social phobia [WHO (1976) Environmental Health Criteria 1: Mercury, Geneva, World Health Organization, 131 pp.] [WHO. Inorganic… … Wikipedia
Erethism — Er e*thism, n. [Gr. ? irritation, fr. ? to stir, rouse, fr. ? to stir: cf. F. [ e]r[ e]thisme.] (Med.) A morbid degree of excitement or irritation in an organ. Hoblyn. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ERETHISM US — (от греч. erethiso раздражаю, возбуждаю), эретизм, термин, употребляемый преимущественно по отношению к детям. Основное его значение связано с понятием об эретическом habitus e, характеризующемся нежной, склонной к различным высыпаниям кожей,… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
erethism — [er′ə thiz΄əm] n. [Fr éréthisme < Gr erethismos, irritation < erethizein, to irritate < IE base * er > RISE, RUN] Rare Physiol. an abnormal extreme irritability or sensitivity of an organ, tissue, etc … English World dictionary
erethism — noun /ˈɛɹɪθɪzəm/ a) Abnormal excitement of a bodily organ or tissue. Since the eighteenth century, sex has not ceased to provoke a kind of generalized discursive erethism. b) Any unusual or morbid over excitement. See Also: erethic … Wiktionary
erethism — noun Etymology: French éréthisme, from Greek erethismos irritation, from erethizein to irritate; akin to Greek ornynai to rouse more at orient Date: 1800 abnormal irritability or responsiveness to stimulation … New Collegiate Dictionary
erethism — erethismic, erethistic /er euh this tik/, erethitic /er euh thit ik/, erethic /euh reth ik, e reth /, adj. /er euh thiz euhm/, n. Physiol. an unusual or excessive degree of irritability or stimulation in an organ or tissue. [1790 1800; < F… … Universalium
erethism — er·e·thism er ə .thiz əm n abnormal irritability or responsiveness to stimulation ereth·ic ə reth ik, er eth adj * * * n. 1. a state of abnormal mental excitement or irritability. 2. rapid response to a stimulus. * * * ere·thism (erґə… … Medical dictionary
erethism — n. abnormal sensitivity to sensory stimulation … English contemporary dictionary
erethism — [ ɛrɪθɪz(ə)m] noun 1》 excessive sensitivity to stimulation of a part of the body, especially the sexual organs. 2》 a state of abnormal mental excitement or irritation. Origin C19: from Fr. éréthisme, from Gk erethismos, from erethizein irritate … English new terms dictionary
erethism — er·e·thism … English syllables