Смотреть что такое "eremitish" в других словарях:
Eremitish — Er e*mi tish, a. Eremitic. Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eremitish — er·e·mit·ish … English syllables
eremitish — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌmīd.ish adjective : resembling an eremite : suitable to an eremite … Useful english dictionary
eremite — eremitic /er euh mit ik/, eremitical, eremitish /er euh muy tish/, adj. eremitism, n. /er euh muyt /, n. a hermit or recluse, esp. one under a religious vow. [1150 1200; ME < LL eremita HERMIT] * * * … Universalium
solitary — I adjective abandoned, aloof, anchoretic, anchoretical, avoiding the society of others, celibate, cloistered, companionless, deserted, desolate, detached, disjoined, disjunct, enisled, eremetical, eremitic, eremitish, estranged, fellowless,… … Law dictionary
monastic — adj 1. cenobitic, conventual, communal, monachal, canonical, Eccles. regular, capitular, cloistral, abbatial, monastical, Rare. monkly, (usu. derogatory) monkish; clerical, priestly, ecclesiastical. 2. ascetic, celibate, disciplined, self… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
eremite — /ˈɛrəmaɪt/ (say eruhmuyt) noun a religious solitary; a hermit. {Middle English, from Late Latin erēmīta, from Greek erēmītēs hermit} –eremitic /ɛrəˈmɪtɪk/ (say eruh mitik), eremitical /ɛrəˈmɪtɪkəl/ (say eruh mitikuhl), eremitish /ˈɛrəˌmaɪtɪʃ/… …
er|e|mit|ish — «EHR uh MY tihsh», adjective. like or befitting a hermit: »By a basin, under a small portico cut in the solid wall, sat a priest, old, bearded, wrinkled, cowled never being more perfectly eremitish (Lew Wallace) … Useful english dictionary