ere then
Смотреть что такое "ere then" в других словарях:
ere — Synonyms and related words: already, ante, before, before all, earlier, early, ere then, erenow, formerly, heretofore, hitherto, in advance of, or ever, preceding, previously, prior to, priorly, theretofore, to, yet … Moby Thesaurus
ere-s-2 (ers-, r̥s-, eres-), and rē̆ s-, rō̆ s- — ere s 2 (ers , r̥s , eres ), and rē̆ s , rō̆ s English meaning: to flow Deutsche Übersetzung: “fließen”; von lebhafter Bewegung ũberhaupt, also “umherirren” and “aufgebracht, aufgeregt sein” Material: 1. O.Ind. rása ḥ “juice,… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
EreẒ ISRAEL – SECOND TEMPLE — ptolemaic rule seleucid rule the hasmonean revolt independent judea hasmonean rule the roman province Herod s Rule under the procurators … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ebi Ere — infobox NBA Player name = Ebi Ere nickname = team = Melbourne Tigers (NBL) position = Guard height ft = 6 | height in = 5 weight lbs = 215 nationality = USA birth date = birth date and age|1981|3|8 birth place = Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA highschool =… … Wikipedia
AGRICULTURAL LAND-MANAGEMENT METHODS AND IMPLEMENTS IN ANCIENT EREẒ ISRAEL — Ereẓ Israel is a small country with a topographically fragmented territory, each geographical region having a distinctive character of its own. These regions include: the coastal plain, the lowlands, the hilly country, the inland valleys, the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
SHELUḤEI EREẒ ISRAEL — (Heb. emissaries of Ereẓ Israel ), the name for messengers from Ereẓ Israel sent abroad as emissaries to raise funds. During the patriarchate after the destruction of the Second Temple, emissaries were sent in groups (TJ, Hor. 3:7, Pes. 4:8);… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
TRAVELERS AND TRAVELS TO EREẒ ISRAEL — Jewish Travelers Jews have traveled to see the Holy Land ever since they first settled in the lands of the Diaspora, i.e., travel by Jews to Ereẓ Israel began from the time of the Babylonian Exile and in effect never ceased entirely from then to… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
SEFER HA-MA'ASIM LI-VENEI EREẒ YISRAEL — SEFER HA MA ASIM LI VENEI EREẒ YISRAEL, halakhic work written in Ereẓ Israel. In 1930 B.M. Lewin published two fragments from the Genizah collection in Oxford of the Sefer ha Ma asim with an introduction (Tarbiz, 1.1 (1930), 79–101). Since then… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Priority — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Priority >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 priority priority antecedence anteriority precedence pre existence Sgm: N 1 precession precession &c. 280 Sgm: N 1 precursor precursor &c. 64 Sgm: N 1 … English dictionary for students
heretofore — Synonyms and related words: aforetime, already, as yet, before, before all, before now, beforetime, by this time, earlier, early, ere, ere then, erenow, erewhile, erst, erstwhile, formerly, hereunto, historically, hitherto, in the past, in times… … Moby Thesaurus
yet — Synonyms and related words: above, additionally, after a while, after all, again, albeit, all included, all the same, along, already, also, although, altogether, among other things, and all, and also, and so, as well, as yet, at all events, at… … Moby Thesaurus