
вэквивалентном масштабе времени

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "equivalent-time" в других словарях:

  • Background Radiation Equivalent Time — Background Radiation Equivalent Time, or BRET, is a unit of measurement of radiation dosage. One BRET is the equivalent of one day worth of exposure to background radiation.BRET values range from 2 BRET for a dental x ray to around 400 for a… …   Wikipedia

  • Time-Triggered Protocol — Introduction= TTP (Time Triggered Protocol) is an open and modular control system platform technology that supports the design of upgradeable, reusable and easy to integrate systems. As a time triggered field bus, it can significantly impact the… …   Wikipedia

  • Equivalent — E*quiv a*lent ([ e]*kw[i^]v [.a]*lent), n. 1. Something equivalent; that which is equal in value, worth, weight, or force; as, to offer an equivalent for damage done. [1913 Webster] He owned that, if the Test Act were repealed, the Protestants… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Time-frequency analysis — is a body of techniques for characterizing and manipulating signals whose component frequencies vary in time, such as transient signals.Whereas the technique of the Fourier transform can be used to obtain the frequency spectrum of a signal whose… …   Wikipedia

  • Time evolution — is the change of state brought about by the passage of time, applicable to systems with internal state (also called stateful systems ). In this formulation, time is not required to be a continuous parameter, but may be discrete or even . In… …   Wikipedia

  • Equivalent temps plein — Équivalent temps plein L équivalent temps plein (ou ETP) est la mesure : d une charge de travail ou plus souvent, d une capacité de travail ou de production. Charge de travail : une charge de « n » ETP pendant une période… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Time-Domain Thermoreflectance — is a method by which the thermal properties of a material can be measured, most importantly thermal conductivity. This method can be applied most notably to thin film materials (up to hundreds of nanometers thick), which have properties that vary …   Wikipedia

  • Time Out (album) — Time Out Album par The Dave Brubeck Quartet Sortie 1959 Enregistrement 25 juin, 1er juillet, 18 août 1959 Columbia s 30th Street Studio, New York City Studios Columbias, New York Durée 38:35 Genre …   Wikipédia en Français

  • equivalent — 01. Some people believe that one year in the life of a human is [equivalent] to seven years in a cat s life. 02. At the present time, one American dollar is [equivalent] to approximately $1.35 Canadian. 03. It is sometimes difficult for me to… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • Time in Mexico — offsets as defined in the federal Law of Time Systems: [National Commission for the Conservation of Energy [http://www.conae.gob.mx/work/sites/CONAE/resources/LocalContent/4634/5/Leyhorario.pdf] ] *Zone 1 (Central Zone) covers most of Mexico and… …   Wikipedia

  • Time value of money — The time value of money is the value of money figuring in a given amount of interest earned over a given amount of time. The time value of money is the central concept in finance theory. For example, $100 of today s money invested for one year… …   Wikipedia

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