equivalent temperature

equivalent temperature
эквивалентная температура

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "equivalent temperature" в других словарях:

  • Equivalent temperature — is the temperature of an air parcel from which all the water vapor has been extracted by an adiabatic process. Air contains water vapor that has been evaporated into it from liquid sources (lakes, sea, etc...). The energy needed to do that has… …   Wikipedia

  • equivalent temperature — ekvivalentinė temperatūra statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. equivalent temperature vok. äquivalente Temperatur, f rus. эквивалентная температура, f pranc. température équivalente, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • equivalent temperature — The degree of comfort in the passenger cabin in terms of temperature effectiveness. It takes into account factors like cabin heat load, humidity, thermal inertia, and temperature distribution throughout the aircraft. The term is used in aircraft… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Noise-equivalent temperature — (NET) is a measure of the sensitivity of a detector of thermal radiation in the infrared, terahertz or microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is the amount of incident signal temperature that would be needed to match the internal… …   Wikipedia

  • Noise equivalent temperature difference — (NETD) is a measure of the sensitivity of a detector of thermal radiation in the infrared, terahertz radiation or microwave radiation parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is the scene temperature difference equal to either the internal noise …   Wikipedia

  • Equivalent potential temperature — Equivalent potential temperature, commonly referred to as Theta e left( heta e ight), is a quantity related to the stability of a column of air in the atmosphere. heta e is the temperature a parcel of air would reach if all the water vapor in the …   Wikipedia

  • Temperature — This article is about the thermodynamic property. For other uses, see Temperature (disambiguation). A map of global long term monthly average surface air temperatures i …   Wikipedia

  • température équivalente — ekvivalentinė temperatūra statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. equivalent temperature vok. äquivalente Temperatur, f rus. эквивалентная температура, f pranc. température équivalente, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Equivalent — E*quiv a*lent ([ e]*kw[i^]v [.a]*lent), n. 1. Something equivalent; that which is equal in value, worth, weight, or force; as, to offer an equivalent for damage done. [1913 Webster] He owned that, if the Test Act were repealed, the Protestants… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Equivalent series resistance — (ESR) is an effective resistance that is used to describe the resistive parts of the impedance of certain electrical components. Overview The theoretical treatment of devices such as capacitors and inductors tends to assume they are ideal or… …   Wikipedia

  • Équivalent de sable — L’équivalent de sable est un indicateur, utilisé en géotechnique, caractérisant la propreté d’un sable ou d une grave. Il indique la teneur en fines, éléments de diamètre inférieur à 0,5 mm, d’origine essentiellement argileuse, végétale ou… …   Wikipédia en Français

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